In love with famous guy

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After school, when I rode my bike home, I kept thinking on the way about the blond boy I saw at the lockers. I don't even understand why I think of him, I can't get him out of my head at all. And the strangest thing is that I imagine how I kiss him.

I came home and Helen was in the kitchen cooking lunch, because there probably aren't many cases at work today. "Philip, would you please go to the store for rice?",so I went. I was at the entrance to the store, I went in and I was looking for the thing I needed.
And suddenly, as if someone had pushed me lightly, I ignored it.

Then I noticed after a while that the blond boy from school was standing a short distance from me behind the shelf, which I wanted to see so much. We looked at each other for a while and after a while he went out. So I paid for it and I went after him. Deep down, I was happy and scared at the same time, but I can't say why.

I was waiting for him outside, waiting for him to come out. And he came out.
"Hey" I said nervously. "Hey" he said it like I did, we both didn't know what to say, so I started. "Uh um what's your name?" I asked curiously.
"Philip," he said at once, "Good, I'm Lucas, nice to meet you."

"Yeah, me too," he said warmly. "I saw you at the locker at school and I saw your camera, so I have such a request for you.
"Yeah, sure tell me," I've been thinking for a while about how to put it."Couldn't you record my jumps?"he looked at me like that.

"Sure why not" and he said it as if he were happy to see each other. "Well, I'll pick you up tomorrow after school and we'll go to my practice post," I said.
"Okay, of course"he said.

When I drove back, I kept thinking about how I would see him and inside I was incredibly happy. Of course I had to be the best, because huh it was my crush from today. I was looking forward to school tomorrow, that again I went to Helen and Gabe and Helen asked me "Where did you stay?"
and I said I met a classmate of course, that I had to lie because Lucas was unfortunately not my classmate.

The next morning I got ready and drove. Of course fast so I could see him. I was at the entrance to the school where I saw him and I said "Heyy" and he said the same thing, but not in a nice way like it he was different from yesterday when he was completely normal to me.

And as I went like that, I heard his friends ask him that "are you having fun with him? After all, no one talks to him. " And I didn't hear it anymore, I'm a little sorry that I didn't hear what he said to him, because the way he answered me wasn't very nice.
I stopped thinking about it because he could only be in a bad mood. We saw each other a few times in the hallway or something, but Lucas didn't seem to want to talk to me. And it broke me so much at the time that I wondered if I should talk to him at all.

I hope u like it again😊💛I'm so bad at it,but I try🥺❤️thank you for reading🙏🏻 I have done another chapters so🥰can u let me know in comments if u like it or not and u can leave a vote here I will happy🥺❤️thank u and I love you🥺

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