Chapter 3

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"Hey D Team, we have problem just to the south of UA," a voice came through the ear piece.

"Snapmap you're the closest to them," another voice came, this one had a strong British accent.

"Shut up, I'm already there," a black haired man hushed the second person on the other end of the line.

Fire Hero: Sapnap, with the quirk Flame, used his flames as a jet like stream to float right next to the villain, ready to fight. He smirked at the villain as soon as he realized who he was dealing with.

"Fancy seeing you here number 3 hero," the villain greeted with such a heart-warming tone, "I see you took your time."

"Will you ever shut up," Sapnap asked as he hovered towards the villain, fire burning in his eyes, waiting for a chance to strike.

"You wouldn't use your super move on me right now? I mean there's a citizen literally pinning me down, shouldn't you worry about him and the illegal usage of quirks him and his friends are doing?"

Sapnap froze, the villain predicated what he was going to do in worst case scenario. He was confused about what the villain meant by illegal usage of quirks, of course he knew what it meant but didn't get what the civilian did.

Sure there was a pink haired man fighting the victim but he doesn't seem like he's using his quirk. The winged blonde also didn't seem like he had a way to deactivate his mutation quirk. A translucent man was there too but he also looked like a mutation type. There were also two teenagers but they didn't seem to be using their quirks.

"Oh ho, you're confused aren't you? What if I shoved this blond ass man off the building?" The villain asked, earning a worried 'what!?' from Phil.

"Wouldn't him opening his wings and flapping them make it a quirk usage?"

"You wouldn't dare!" Sapnap hissed at the mask villain.

"I would dare, I would be honored to do it," the villain smiled.

"You FUCKING would not do it!" Sapnap growled raising his voice.

"Would you rather blast flames at us and get a citizen injured? The answer's no."

"I-. You and your sneaky ass arguments."

Sapnap may have sounded worried, but in on serious note he had a plan that might lead to injuries but it's the only way to get the villain arrested-

"Hey Arson boy, if you don't do something in the count of five, I'm throwing this man off the building," the villain threatened, "that would be your worst nightmare, am I right? Losing an innocent life and still letting a villain get away, you don't want that do you?"

Sapnap gulped, the villain just summarized his worst fear ever since he started his career as a hero. This fear of his worsened as he had witnessed losing an innocent life when he's right there, right there where he could have helped, where he could have save a life, but no he couldn't react on time, by the time he realized what happened the villain he was dealing with was already long gone.

"You don't know what to do, do you?"

"I mean, do I?"

"Whatever," the villain rolled his eyes behind the mask.





The villain grabbed Phil by his green shirt's collar and rolled Phil off of the building.


Phil let himself fall, feeling the wind blow against him, he grinned. For a split second, Phil and Sapnap's eyes got contact with one and another immediately understanding each other's plans. Phil flapped his enormous wings, several feet away from the ground, several feet away from his death, and flew so swiftly that he looked as if he teleported, or it seemed like a glitch you would see in games where your character's near death but suddenly teleported to safety.

"Bold of you to assume me using my quirk is illegal!" Phil scoffed at the villain who was now sitting on the edge of the building, his legs dangling off the building.

"Oh I know, that's why I thought ahead, Mr. Philza," the villain grinned back, "that's why I'm going to leave now, I want more time to think now that I know that the 'Prince' is alive and well."

"Oh no you don't!" Sapnap yelled sending a flaming ball of fire directly where the villain was sitting.

The villain got up, wiped some dust off of his to the pants, he held up a peace sign as he disappeared into the smoke that the impact of the fire ball caused. Soon the smoke cleared the thing that was left where the villain once stood was a card with the following sentence:

"Tell the Prince we will be meeting very soon :)"


This chapter is trash, I suck at writing fight scenes. 


I'm glad this already have almost 300 reads (by the time I'm posting this) and I'm really glad people actually enjoy reading this.

Have a good rest of your day/night



My Dream Academia ( a Dream Smp and My Hero Academia crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora