"Look guys all that matters is who does the best performance...its not only factions we are fighting against its other people too. And to be honest they aren't really copying us"

"Are you defending them now?" Fernando complains.

"How can you say that?" Lynn protests.

"Hey guys listen, Four might have a point" Marlene says. I thank her.

"We are still unique. I mean really they don't have Al to do all the drawings or Fernando to record them. They obviously lack style...what do they get with wearing only faction colors"

"Blue, grey, yellow or black and white" Zeke comments.

"Exactly...they're doing it for their faction, we're doing it for our dreams" they nod along.

"So guys don't just sit there nodding...do something about it. It's about time we kick it up a notch. Zeke and I will be waiting for all of you guys feedback" I say "let your creativity flow" they laugh. Everyone gets up off the ground and they each round up in their groups. I spot Christina by the stairs and head over towards her. 

"Hey Christina. Are you doing better?"

"I am...I'm just looking to see if I can catch up with my group"

"You still have to question yourself?" She laughs "Has Jordan spoken to you?"

"No, I actually haven't seen her lately" I nod "okay I think I got it...I'll catch up with you later Four" I smile and water her run off.

"She has disappeared once again" I turn around to see Zeke. He laughs and steps down the stairs "Jordan I mean"

"I don't know how to deal with Jordan, I don't even know how to talk to her without getting mad"

"Well why get mad?"

I shake my head "Because...Zeke I can't be soft on her all the time. She needs to change"

"Well if you don't start fighting for her now...I'm sorry to say but. You're going to lose her pretty quickly"

"Your supposed to be my friend and give me hope" I laugh.

"I am your friend and I am being honest...the truth hurts"

"Always" I say.

"Go get her" he says. I smile and playfully punch his arm.

                 Step Up Revolution

After placing a note in her locker I decided to come here. To the beach party. I take a sip of my beer waiting patiently. I don't want to get wasted so I'll ask for water later.

I check my watch constantly. She's not coming isn't she. I turn around to look at the people dancing. They are all obviously from different Factions.

Factions used to be all of us. Dauntless, Erudite, Abnegation, Candor, and Amity. We were all one group, one family. It was till people started messing with each others girlfriends and boyfriends that we fell apart. Not only that but we never came to an agreement and the group would always fall apart.

The rules are different now. Now we are rivals. Now we vow to be completely committed to our groups. Factionless are those who don't follow the rules. Those who hang out with people from other factions and cheat on their own.

No one wants to be Factionless because you are never allowed to go back in.

There has never been a case of a divergent. If you were to ask someone 'divergent or factionless' they would choose factionless.

Divergent's are those rebels who decide to leave for themselves. They have it the worst. I guess that's why no one steps up to be one. Factions are in charge of making it impossible for them to have a dancing career. Depending on the Faction they left. It's up to them what their sentence is.

I don't know if its just a legend but I heard that the first divergent to revolt is given another chance. That is if any other faction wants them. Now it would be another thing if many wanted to revolt.

I turn around as I see a girl move behind the bar counter.

"Hey do you have any water back there?" She turns around and the first thing I notice are her eyes. Big and beautiful.

"Um...this is a bar not a water cooler" she says. I see her smirk a little.

"I know that, I just think they should have at least a water bottle...what if a little girl is choking and she's to young to drink?" I smile. I mean I have told the boss about this. But he always comes up with a smart response.

"Well I think there shouldn't even be little girls around here" I laugh.

She turns around and gets something.

"Here" she hands me a bottle "I brought one just in case...cause I don't drink" she laughs. I take it and inspect it.

"How do I know you didn't poison the water?" She laughs.

"I think I would have left already if I had done something to the water" she smiles.

I grin "you're new here right?"

"I'm actually-"

"Tris!" She looks past me and I note the tension in her eyes. I turn around to look at a guy. There's a hint of resemblance to her. I turn back around. She looks at him and back at me.

"I promise there is no poison" she says. "Drink up" she walks away to meet up with her brother. I have to say she was hot but I have someone else in mind.

I can tell the guy is furious. They walk into the crowd and I wait till I see her light brown hair disappear.

I look around. Yeah Jordan isn't coming at all.

How's everyone doing? So no. We still haven't gotton to FourTris but we will I promise. Please comment and vote. Like Four said I need your feedback!!!

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