Chapter 4 •

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"I'm the Chesire Cat."


"Minho please..."


"Nothing. You said you can show us where the Mad Hatter is?"

"That's right..."

I couldn't help but remember how Chan and Felix had warned us to stay away from a cat. Did they mean this cat? I looked at the boy in front of me and he had an innocent smile displayed on his face. However, his eyes seemed to hide a devilish hint.

"Follow me then."

Hesitantly, I nodded and followed behind the two boys that were talking in front of me.

"I'm Minho and she's my friend, Y/n."

"Are you from around here? I've never seen you before?"

"We're not from here..."


After a while, we reached a fairly large house with a massive table in front of it.

"Well, we've made it. I'm Jeongin by the way. I'll see you soon."

I turned around to bid him goodbye but he was nowhere to be seen.

"I guess we have to go down there?"


We looked at each other briefly before making our descent to the table. Upon reaching, I saw three boys sitting at the end of the table. One was sleeping, the other sipping from a cup and the last glaring at us.

"What brings you two here."

The one glaring stood up abruptly and stormed up the two of us.

"Woah...wait there. We don't mean you any harm-"

"You're kinda cute."

Shocked, I looked at Minho who was eyeing the boy up and down.


He awoke from his trance and stared at me.

"What? He is."

Shaking my head, I turned back to the boy who had a faint red tint dusted on his cheeks.

"Chan and Felix sent us to find the Mad Hatter?"

" that case. Welcome to our tea party. Is it your birthday?"


"What do you mean no?! Everyday is your birthday."

"No it isn't-"

"Shush. Come join us. Your...acquaintance can join us too."

He gestured towards Minho, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Wait...we just want to know where the Mad Hatter is."

"Silly girl. He is the Mad Hatter."


They boy pointed at himself and I stared in confusion.

"Were you speaking in third person?"

"Hey March Hare!"

I turned towards the table where Minho was plopped onto a chair. He had a cup shoved into his face which he politely declined.

"What do you mean you don't like tea?!"

"I mean...I don't like tea!"

"That is absolutely disgraceful!"

"Leave him alone!"

I ran up to the table and shoved the boy back slightly. I took a moment to observe his features. He was an extremely handsome boy, but the feature that was most prominent were the rabbit ears attached to his head.

"You''re the March Hare?"

"That would be me. The name's Hyunjin."

"Well, friend here doesn't like tea-"

"I loathe it actually."

"How can anyone despise tea?!"


A soft voice interrupted our argument and I peered to the opposite side of the table to see a sleepy boy with mouse ears.


"Hyunjin...some people are trying to sleep."

"Sorry Binnie, but this...Twat-Waffle doesn't like tea."

"Who are you calling a Twat-Waffle, you pillock!"


Flinching, we all turned towards the owner of the voice, the Mad Hatter.

"Both of you are dipshits. Now can we please continue with-"

He whipped his head towards me and looked at me expectantly.


"Right. Y/n's birthday?"

"It's not my birthday-"

"Shush. Sit down."

He pushed me down onto a chair next to Minho, with Hyunjin and...Binnie in front of us.

"Now...a few words from me. Happy Bithday Y/n-"

The other two murmured a quiet happy birthday too.

"I'd like to thank you for stumbling upon our tea party. If you hadn't then we'd probably still be stuck in this mess-"

"Mess? What mess?"

"I didn't tell you?"

"Tell us what?"

"The King of Hearts is on his way to pick me up."

"Why is that a problem?"

"He's come to behead me of course."

Minho and I turned towards each other slowly with widened eyes.

"Oh...he also said he'd behead anyone seen with me."

Our eyes widened even more and I stood up, flabbergasted.

"Well, we're off then. Come on Minho."

"You can't just leave us!"

"Uh yes we can."

"Uh no you can't."





" that the King by any chance?"

We all turned our heads to see a boy walking up towards us.

"Oh no. That would be his son. Hello Seungmin, nice to see you again."

"Why are you acting so calm. My father is literally about to decapitate you."

"You wouldn't let that happen now would you?"

They boy groaned and rolled his eyes.

"No, now get in the carriage before my father sees us."

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