Chapter 1 •

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Peacefully, the sun started to fall, leaving a hazy lilac sheet covering the sky. A few birds soared past our heads every now and then, calling out to their friends.

Speaking of friends...mine is currently building the 'greatest sandcastle in the world'. He claims that no other human has ever made such a beautiful cat sandcastle. In fact, he's made three; one for each cat he's got.

"Minho...that honestly looks like a gherkin with cat ears-" He whipped his head around to face me and rolled his eyes.

"Actually, this is a masterpiece. When we come back tomorrow, I can finish it and it'll be a little cat cult. I'll be the ring leader and you have to join."

"What am I getting in return for this?"

"To be part of this astounding...organisation?" I sighed, shaking my head.

"Fine...if that makes you happy I guess."

He smiled brightly and turned around, continuing with his gherki- cat.

• • •

"Minho...we should head back now. It's 11pm."

"I'm not finished with my sandcastles yet."

"It's pitch black, you can't even see what you're doing. Besides, it's freezing."

"Fine fine...I'll be back my little cats."

Finally. He grabbed onto my arms, hauling himself up onto his feet. Quickly, he dusted the sand off his legs and turned to me with a grin.

"Let's be going, m'lady."

"Cut the crap Minho."

• • •

Thunderstorms...booming, chaotic and restless. That's what I thought of them. However, my idiot best friend thinks differently: he thinks that they're thrilling and adventurous. So that's why he's escaped from our villa to 'save his precious cats'. What an idiot. Honestly, I didn't want to go out there to look for him, but knowing him, he'd probably stay out there until the storm was over. That's possibly half an hour. Long enough to make me start worrying...just a tiny bit.

Reluctantly, I grabbed my coat and stuffed my arms in, also slipping my shoes on. Thrashing and whipping my face, the wind swarmed around me, nearly knocking me off my feet. I wondered down the beach to where we had peacefully watched the sunset about four hours ago, the tranquil atmosphere long gone.

"Minho you idiot...where are you?"

Darting my eyes around the beach, I noticed a figure crouching down further along. Instantly, I ran up to him and pulled him into my arms.

"Minho! You made me worry...almost."

"Y/n...look what I found."

He shoved a pocket watch into my hands looking at me expectantly. I sighed, silently agreeing to examine it. It was quite pretty. The casing was of a silver colour with delicate flower patterns all around it. The inside was magical; a periwinkle aura illuminated from the back, slightly lighting up the area.

"It wasn't here when we left." Minho took the pocket watch back and stuffed it into his pocket.

"What are you doing?"

"Maybe the person who dropped it will have realised and come back for it tomorrow. If not...finders keepers!" He looked at me with big, pleading eyes and I couldn't help but give in.

"Fine...just stop making that face."

"Yes! You're the best!"

"Oh I know. Now don't escape again, it's midnight."

"Aye aye captain."

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