Tooth of the wise

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In the titan's tower, Raven is in her room and she goes back to the common room and Damain hides his face and Dick is on his computer. Raven's phone begins to ring.

Mr. Wayne. Raven says

Damain looks at her. And dick stops what he is doing.

Are you with damain? Bruce asks

Yes. Raven says hesitantly.

Okay, could you move? Bruce says

Okay. Raven goes to her room what happened, sir

Well, Damian is going to get his wisdom teeth removed and he wanted me to ask if you would accompany him. Along with his siblings. Bruce asked

When is the appointment? Raven asked

Tomorrow I'm picking him up for the week. I will need your help so are you in. Bruce says

Yes sir. Raven says. Wait why didn't Damain asks me

I have no idea. Bruce snickers a bit.

Raven grabbed her bag and packs for a week. She got a cuff and brought it to the common room. She started to fiddle with it.

Done it's perfect Raven says she puts on the cuff

What is it? Jamie asked.

It's an idea I've had for a while. It's a tracker and so laser with a few more things and. Raven says tapping the jewel and her suit comes into her. She wears black pants with a leotard. It has purple trim with black. She spins.

Holy crap dope suit Rae. Logan says

She takes a curtsy. Thank you. Raven taps the bracelet again. Her clothes get back on.

Perfect don't you think. Raven says

They all nod. Damain grumbles a bit.

Bruce domes through the door and damain lifts his head. Father. Damain says he goes to his room and grabs his bags,

Raven goes after he left and grabs her bags

They meet in the hallway.

So father told you

Yes, why didn't you tell me

I um I thought about it. But.

But what

I thought you would say no. Damain says

Why would I say no. Raven says

They enter the car and go to the manor. There Raven meets the rest of the bat family. She got along with Cassie and Stephanie and Barbra was really nice as well. The boys well she did have to help Cassie separate damain and Jason.

Raven slept in the room across from Damian's. She was reading a book looking out in the stars.

A cat appears at the door. It's jumped on her laps

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