Shut up. I say

Back in the real world damain was hooked up in a chair he was in his uniform.

Your mission is to wake up Raven's memory when you are in the fantasy. John says

Got it. Damain says

Damain falls asleep and sees Raven with Mal. They walk to a building and he then sees trigon.

Raven walks in and she starts to talk with Trigon she laughs a bit

Raven. Damian says running to her. He hugs her for my eh back

Who are you get away from me? Raven says getting out of his grasp

Mal brings her closer and Trigon grabs him by the color

You have some nerve boy touching my daughter.

And you have some nerve calling me a boy. Damain says swing his sword

Damain backs Trigon to the glass wall. Guards start to run up and Damain stabs him

This is not real raven wake up. Come home to me beloved

No, what did you do? What did you do? Raven says run gun to Trigon. You killed my father how could you. Raven says

Guard grabbed him. Arella comes running to her husband's side.

Send him to the dungeons immediately. Arella says

Damain gets dragged away screaming raven name.

Jacob holds Raven's face as she cries. Don't listen to him he tells her. He is lying.

They all go back to him and Arella plans Trigon's funeral. Raven looks at the door.

She goes to one of the cars with the driver. Take me to the dungeons I want to see the murder. Raven orders

The queen

The princess demands this. Raven says

The man nods and drives her to prison.

Damain is cuffed to the wall and Raven looks at him. Raven

You have not right it calls me that. Raven says

You can't think this is real right. Damain ask

Yes, it is. What is your name demon

Damain Wayne. Love. Damain remarks

Raven steps back a bit. Memories follow through her head. Robin says ask

Yes. He looks up at her

No, you're a murder

You wouldn't call me that raven. Come home to me and the team. We miss you.

I am home.

No your not. I not with you and you are confused just wake up

I am awake damain. And I'm happy so leave me alone. Raven screamed at him. Her eye had tears in them.

There was a silence for a long time. You will be executed in an hour. Hope you're ready. Raven walks out the door and back home.

His name went on overdrive in Raven's head. She started to get memories of him. A black dog. And a few other people. A boy with speed and a boy with green skin. And women with the powers of a goddess and a man with the power of an alien. She held her head all the way to the extinction

Do you have any final words? Ariella says

Yes. To the girl I love. Damain says looking at Raven. Wake up, please. I can't stand seeing. You like this. I love you.

With that, the man eased the ax.

Nooooo. Raven says running to him.

Raven what the hell

He killed father to get away from him

Are you crazy

No, I love him. Raven says

She grabs damain face and kisses his lips. Guards pull her away

Take them both.

Back at the tower damain jolts up. I had her I almost had her why did you take me away. Damain says looking at dick

I didn't do anything. Dick says

Raven wakes up and the creature goes into the cage. It was me. I guess I woke up.

Donna ran and hugged her. Thank God you are safe.

Raven looked at damain and smiled.

Bruce left with the monster and John left as well. Raven was on the balcony looking out in the night.

Damain comes next to her. Did you mean it? When you said

Yea. Did you. Raven ask

I mean it. Damain says.

Raven looks at him. He grabs her waist and brings her to his chest. Don't let go she says

Not in a million years.

Damain lifts her chin and they kiss.

Raven was back home.

Little Stores for Little Birds (A DamiRae One-Shot Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now