Journal of Julie 2007-2008 SO FAR.....

Start from the beginning

sorry I am out of hear Cree

The weekend

August 6, 2007

Well Me and my husband went to the desert to spend the night it was really cool ,and the sunrise was beautiful. The next day however they had some kind of music festival this was Sunday I had to watch them all day: my 2 year-old niece, and my 5 year old nephew, and my son he is 4.and my husband had to work since his mom was sick and couldn't fry hamburgers for the people at the sucked .My son and nephew was really being bad. My niece is afraid of everything and I had three extra little girls to watch they come to the park often and by their selves and their mom is nowhere to be found. It was ok though they were cute kids and I really wasn't watching them I was just keeping a eye on them so no strangers would mess with them. I know this is a small town, but there are creeps every where. I remember that one little house on the prairie episode that creepy guy attacked then 6 year old girl Laurie Ingalls friend? and they lived in a small small town. I guess you can take the city girl out of the city ,but you can't take the city out of the girl. I do not trust no one at all I come from Tampa and there are some sick freaks out there who mess with little kids. Hope they all rot in hell anyway it was alright then I took the nephew and my son swimming get this they do not know how to swim, and right away they picked it up after I told them how to tread water and everything it was cool and I was proud of them then after we had to get out of the pool they acted like the most hugest brats I was so embarrassed. I taught them how to swim and bought them two snow cones and they act like that! Cheez what is up with kids theses days! I think my son is picking up bad habits from my nephew I mean really! anyway I wasn't as depressed as I have been just angry because I got stuck with the kids all day! Oh well. I really wanted to play the sky drum and my husband play the didgeridoo doo at the festival because we both play really good, but we were both stuck with things we did not want to do! The didgeridoo do is what aborigine's play in the Australia outback, and the sky drums is what The natives play to tell a story now I am not sure that's what it is, but its close I think. Anyway nothing happening today ..just bored ..and alone but that goes without saying. I wish we could live in the desert. .we pay to much for rent. .have no yard we only had twenty five dollars for groceries and we still can not afford a car. My (husband) NOT A TRUE MATE  said as soon as we get everyone paid up we can take to the desert, or mountains, or something and camp out for the winter. Or try to to save some money. But we will see what happens. Anyway that's all for now.. Cree aka star bear outtty---->

Might have a job???

August 22, 2007

Got tired of living from one paycheck to another so I found this job in paper at retirement home thought I would check it out I have worked there before ,but I was immature at THE TIME AND QUIT IT IT WAS A STUPID MOVE! Anyway I filled in application and they called me for a two o'clock interview so hopefully everything will go good and I will  be working again. I have not worked in about four and a half years maybe longer(shrug) so we will see what happens. something is up with my husband's mom again she was crying when she came over to our apartment. .and she wouldn't tell us nothing. Chez where I come from my family tells me everything including how sick they are sometimes there is things people shouldn't know about each other ,but my husband's mom is to secretive she didn't even tell my husband about our daughter dying until after it happened .So who knows what it could be .Anyway on different subject hope I get this job so I can start working, and we can get out of HEAR even it is for a little while I want to travel, and my husband does not think we were meant to have 9-to five jobs we can't never seem to get ahead or nothing. .Anyway nothing else happening not yet anyway anyway out of hear for now----->p.s. plus the school system hear is alright, but it is still public school, and all they seem to teach is sex education.  but they need to teach more on other things too like tolerance of all people ,not just African history, and American history, but Native American history, Latin American history and all other people's history to .They also need to teach about saving the environment before it is to late to be saved, they need to teach people how to recycle more efficiently so the waste dumps wont be so overflowing with trash, and stuff like that and the real history of American not just the good parts where American is the good guys ,but the bad parts where America didn't shine so brightly also it would be nice to have a class taught about natural history and how the birds grow ,and how the bears hibernate in the winter and how to not be afraid of stuff you do not understand like the seasons of the year ,the origin of the oceanside and how even it may seem unimpressive and dry the desert is still pretty ,and how the everglade's and swamps might be scary and creepy with all the gators and snakes in it bit it has a natural beauty that for me takes my breath away. Teachers need to teach students about things they care about not just things that is required on a stupid test you know things like that ..anyway  that's all for now .If I offended anyway for what I said forgive me that's all for now------

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