The Only Chapter

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Singing, dancing, groups of people chattering and sampling drinks together…

Oh, how it sickened Gwen.  The party boomed around her.  Everybody was happy.  She should be happy, but as her pale face laid against the stinging cold table in a dismal manner, it was quite apparent she wasn’t.  Some people brushed by her without even caring, others were more caring and invited her to dance.  Gwen wanted to puke a bit when a busty, bubbly blonde asked her to sing karaoke with her.  She turned down all offers.  She wanted to be alone.  Why she even came to the party is beyond her.  It was the last party of the season.  The party Owen had promised, and judging by everybody’s reactions to it, it was a damn good one.

It was a damn annoying one, that’s what it was.

It stung that she lost.  Gwen was happy for Owen, sure, but it sure as hell ate at her nerves slightly.  Gwen wasn’t a sore loser, and she was very happy for the big guy.  Though, everybody gets this feeling when they lose, and everybody agrees it isn’t pleasant.  That wasn’t the only thing eating at her, though. Her recent break-up with Trent stung at her heart too.  She thought that they had something, but it was short-lived, and so was her happiness.

“Ah, enjoying the party I see.”  A monotonous voice remarked.  “Good, enjoy the celebration of your loss.”

Gwen let out a threatening growl at the remark.  As if that helped the feeling in the pit of her stomach any.  Slowly Gwen rose from her depressing pose, laying against the frigid table to face the person who spoke such rude words.  Her teal hair was more unkempt than usual, covering her onyx eyes.  Gwen seethed a little more than usual when she saw the speaker.  He was scrawny.  He was confident.  Worst of all, he was the most sarcastic motherfucker on the island. 

“Oh… Noah…” Gwen growled.  “Did you finally decide to hiding in the corner when you go to parties?  Oh, how surprising!  I’ll keep an eye out for the apocalypse!”

Slowly, a smirk found its way onto Noah’s lips.

“Nice…” Noah complimented in the most insincere manner.  “Where do you get your ‘witty’ remarks?  I really must know.”

“Believe me, Noah, I am in no mood.”  Gwen replied with a huff.  “What convinced you to come over here and insult me anyways?”

“Oh, I was here the whole time really.  From the time you stomped through the room and plopped down into your current position.  I was just sitting here reading…”  Noah informed, flipping a page as he spoke.  “It’s so interesting watching you grumble to yourself, really, so please return to your depressed state.”

“I’d like to, but there’s somebody here who won’t stop talking to me.  I’m sure you can imagine how annoying that could be!”  Gwen quipped.  

Noah waved, as if dismissing the conversation, and the look on his face became a lot more concentrated.  Noah continued to be engrossed in whatever he was reading.  Gwen stared at Noah for a short while before turning to lay down again, but she wondered why he would even be here.  Noah didn’t care for people.  It was apparent that he was more accepting of their presence than she was, but it was obvious he didn’t like them.  

Then again, Gwen was here, and she wasn’t in the best of moods.  Trent flirting with the blonde mentioned before didn’t help.  Why should she question the bookworm’s presence?

“Shame…”  Noah muttered.  Gwen decided to just try and ignore him.  “Lindsay is such a step down from you…”

“Could you just shut it?”  Gwen asked.  “You aren’t making me feel better.”

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