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They always said to never trust a person like myself. No one I've ever met has fully trusted me, leaving me with a mental knife in my back.

Particularly these two girls. Loreley and Morana have this obsession with bothering me, but I could never bring myself to say I enjoy it.

Looking back at their jokes made me laugh too even though it hurt me so bad before.


"Why is your name so long Alex?" asked Morana. "As if I would know. My parents liked the name Alexandra I guess." I respond with.

"It's not really unique and different though." Said Loreley.

I roll my eyes and try to walk away from them but they follow. I regret saying I would go on a walk with them.

"I'm going home now you don't have to follow me there." I say in annoyance. They snicker and keep following me. Whatever.

All of a sudden I feel something heavy hit head and everything goes white then pitch black.

Wow okay so they don't hesitate to hurt me, but what for?

I wake up and find myself in an unfamiliar place. Okay so I'm in the middle of nowhere. I look for things around me and all I see are trees for miles.

It took me a few minutes to notice I had duct tape on my mouth and my hand were tied behind my back with a rope.

What the fuck is happening?? Where am I? What did Loreley and Morana do?

Suddenly I feel hands beginning to cover my eyes. I scream- or at least I try to. The duct tape silenced my screams making it sound like a muffled yell.

From behind me I heard "Good job, girls. Odd why you would want to be hitmen, but it seems you will be just perfect for it."

The hands covering my eyes are removed and replaced with what seemed to be some kind of cloth. I hear Loreley and Morana's familiar disgusting laughs, but they begin to fade.

What on Earth is happening? Who is the other person who covered my eyes? I didn't think they would take the hitmen thing seriously!

Why me...

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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