"Well basically it's a Black owned clothing line , when my dad had it the business was a very dirty business which was a Record label it was called "Dirty Money Records " my father used to sacrifice a lot of his music artists for clout and money."

" He doesn't do it anymore of course cause he's like 50 years old but i can't forgive him for getting all thoses people hurt just for money , so when i got the business i turned it around to something good . he thought i was gonna keep it as the record label but God was telling me something different ."

I couldn't believe that Darius Dad was a very terrible man like that , how could you get thoses artist killed when they were making your company good money .

"Wow , that's a great story and i'm so glad you turned the business around to something great i will check out your store soon , another thing about me is i like to shop ."

"Well , we do have a lot of Woman clothes .. I'll definitely give you anything you want , you would fit anything with a body like that ma ."

"Thank youuu that's so sweet but ."

"But what ?."

i look down as i speak playing with my hair "I'm very insecure when it comes to my body , i may be a little skinny now but i use to be way bigger then this back in the day ."

"People always bullied me a lot but my mother always told me to ignore them because there just mad that they ain't getting fed well ."

Darius grabbed my chin making me lift my face up "You are beautiful ma , don't let nobody tell you different look how fine you is girl i ain't never seen a woman with such nice shape and a beautiful smile , i'm sorry for my language but you fine as fuck nobody could ever compare with that . i wouldn't know what to do if i had a lady like you it's hella bitches out here who would die for your beauty mama don't let them hoes tear you down you beautiful ."

The words coming out of Darius mouth made my body feel a different type a feeling that i couldn't even explain , nobody had never told me thoses words besides Drew but with Darius it was different .

"Wow , thank you so much that really means a lot that really made my day Darius ."

"Of course you ready to order though ?."

"Yes i am , but i have one thing to tell you that i haven't told nobody but my big sister Jacky, please do not tell anybody i'm trusting you with this information."

He grabbed my hand and held it tightly and looked right into my eyes Making it hard to focus. Trying my best not to get lost in his wide and gentle brown eyes I looked away quickly. He immediately grabbed my chin with his finger, causing me to look back into them.

"You can tell me K.."

"Well - um , when i was younger i was sexually assaulted by a dude i knew in highschool and i never been the same since,, i honestly don't know how i got with Bishop .. he just made me feel safe so i trusted him but we been going through a lot and i don't wanna get into details . but i really don't trust man anymore after what happened to me .

He looked into my eyes and i could tell his heart shattered hearing those words come out my mouth .

"I am so sorry that happen to you, a man is suppose to protect your heart not break it i would never do something like that i mean NEVER that is some sick shit to do Ma i'm so sorry , a man should never take away something like that from a woman . "

"You didn't deserve that but don't let that ruin your life okay? you cannot let that control your life he was wrong as hell for that and he will burn ."

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