La Brava, Aiba then got close to Gentle as she soon started grabbing his cloth, and yet crying quietly...

La Brava Mind: G-Gentle! I know your doing this for my own sake! But please...don't do this! I love you so much! This ain't fair gentle! I will never go on without you!

Ectoplasm: (YN), your injured too.

Hound Dog: Did you fight this man?!?

(YN): ....You know, I've realize that he was gonna play a joke on UA. So yeah, we sparred. But...everything is fine now.

La Brava soon got on her knees, as she get started sobbing for Gentle...knowing that she'll lose him. Suddenly a phone call was heard from was the sniper hero, Snipe.

Snipe: Hound Dog, Ectoplasm, come in. What's the situation.

Ectoplasm: Well-

Hound Dog snatches the phone...

Hound Dog: Some wannabe streaming villains turned himself in.

Snipe: Sorry what?

Hound Dog: I know, doesn't make sense.

Ectoplasm: Relax Snipe, this is not an emergency. Please continue to do your rounds.

Soon he hangs up the phone, as Hound Dog and one of Ectoplasm's clone started taking Gentle into the police, and as for La Brava, she'll be able to go on living her life without soon they were leaving, Gentle then said...

Gentle Criminal: (YN) (LN)....I too once trained to be a hero. This identity, Gentle Criminal, is the result of my failures. I'm in no position to say this...but I hope through your actions you reach those you are hoping to reach....I wish you, a bright future.

And so, he was taken to the police station, and La Brava will be able to go on live by herself...afterwards, (YN) soon to clean himself...

(YN): Gentle....You may be a villain, but I'll give you respect for that.

Ectoplasm: (YN), everyone in school is worried about you.

(YN): O-Oh Crap! What time is it?!

Ectoplasm: It's 9:45, Class A performance starts in 15 minutes. Don't worry, you'll make it in time to UA, it's 5 minutes from here. We should get going-

(YN): Yeah I know, but I left a bag back at the hardware store. It won't take long!

Ectoplasm: Okay, I'll assist you.

And so, (YN) and Ectoplasm both went back to the hardware store to get (YN)'s bag of the spare rope to use for the perform work, soon as they arrive, the old man of the café shop was holding it for him, owning he found it on the ground, (YN) thanked him and the started heading over to UA. 10 minutes later, (YN) and Ectoplasm finally arrived at UA, as Izuki and Aoyama were on the front of the school gate, waiting for (YN) to arrive and soon they notice him arriving already...

Izuku: (Y-YN)! You're finally here!

(YN): Izuku! Aoyama! Sorry I'm late!

Aoyama: Sacre Bleu! You look terrible!

(YN): Hehe, sorry I ... fell while making my way here.

Aoyama: Hehe, you clumsy boy you are.

(YN): Here you guys. The rope for your performance. Now go you two! You only have 5 minutes!

Aoyama: Merci!

Izuku: Thanks a lot (YN)!

(YN): O-Oh wait! Midoriya!

Izuku: H-Huh??

(YN) walks over to Izuku and tells him...

(YN): If Jiro ask you for me, tell her I'll be with Eri and Mirio, seeing her perform. Tell her to not worry about me no more, I'm here.

Izuki: Okay! Got it!

And so, Izuku and Aoyama make their way back over with the others...

(YN): Jiro...I hope you do your very best. I believe in you.

Ectoplasm: (YN), let's take you to recovery girl to fix you up. Your performance starts right after Class 1-B'a act right? So you'll have time, and also to make it see your classmates performed well.

(YN): Yeah, got it.


Later on, it was 9:55am, and soon Jiro and the others only have 5 minutes to perform, and yet, Izuku and Aoyama have arrive with the rope for their performance, and now everything is settled...but as for Jiro, she was worried about (YN), knowing why he took long to get just a rope...but Izuku told her not to anymore, now that (YN) is here now and will see them and her especially perform...she then smiles, and yet was relief to hear....afterwards, as they Jiro and the others get on stage, and get ready, there was a bunch of crowd already, so excited to see Class 1-A perform already, soon Mirio and Eri were ready to see as well as Mirio was carrying Eri on his hands...

Mirio: How's this? Can you see?

Eri: Yeah...But where's (YN)-

(YN): Excuse me, excuse me, sorry, coming through.

(YN) luckily soon arrive in time, and yet healed up already, as he then arrive with Mirio and Eri..

Mirio: Oh hey (YN)! You came just in time!

(YN): Yeah, I know. Hey Eri, ready to see Deku dance?

Eri: Y-Yeah.

(YN): Good, cause your gonna love it.

And so
It was 10am already, as the lights went out, and buzzers started to sound off, and yet, curtains started to open from the stage, soon Jiro and the others getting in position to get ready to perform for the whole others students...everyone were rooting for them to do their best and showing them what they got...

Eri: H-Hey, there's Deku.

And so...everything got suddenly, Bakugo have out a yell...

Bakugo: Alright UA! Get your asses ready! Cause our music is gonna kill you all!!!!


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