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I quickly say, "I may have possibly told Jamie about your existence..." to Archie, then turn to Jamie and say, "I mentioned the argument to Archie already."

Surprisingly, neither of the boys take it badly.

"What's up kiddo," Jamie nods to Archie.

"I should probably head back inside before things look suspicious..." he sighs. "But I'm really sorry about whatever happened, I know this isn't the same thing exactly but I'm bi and my dad's a bit of a homophobe so... I haven't even told him. You're already a million times braver than me."

"No, that means a lot, thanks," Jamie nods appreciatively.

Archie smiles, then winks at me before disappearing silently into the darkness. Why is he so fucking hot in everything he does?

"Right, so now that that insanely weird moment is over," Jamie laughs, "basically what happened earlier is Grandad said something under his breath about Isaac, and your dad asked him to repeat it,"

"And did he?"

"No, he started getting all agitated and worked up. Eventually said something like 'I wouldn't have to watch my words if you two fags weren't here' and yeah... hence the shouting." He isn't looking at me, and I can tell he's more upset than his voice is letting on.

"Fucking hell I'm so sorry," I put an arm round his shoulders, unsure what to else do.

"It's alright, we all knew he had never fully got to grips with the idea of two grown men shagging."

"So he and your gran left?" I ask.

"Yeah, your parents talked to her and even though she loves us, she loves her husband too and she's struggling to reconcile the two sides. It's gonna be so fucking awkward inside now, everyone will just be staring at me and Isaac..." Jamie's still talking to the floor.

"Yeah you're right, but maybe I can help with a little distraction, since you're helping me. Where is Isaac by the way?"

"He and Daniel are playing fortnite upstairs." He turns to look at me with the hint of a smile, and I smile back. "Hey Fern,"


"Thanks for being the only sane person round here," he grins.

"My pleasure," I giggle.

"Wait so what actually happened with you and Archie? You're gonna need to brush your hair before you get inside!" He laughs and I blush sooo hard, but hopefully in the dark it isn't obvious. And I tell him everything, sparing no detail.


The next morning I'm in the kitchen pouring cereal while Jamie and Isaac make a cup of tea.

"So Fern..." Isaac smirks, "what went down last night?" He keeps his voice low so as not to be overheard.

"They got this close to shagging!" Jamie answers for me, showing his thumb and finger a centimetre apart.

"Ha, ha," I say, "I wish."

"You need to see him again and actually take further" Isaac winks, but he isn't joking.

"Yeah but how? This house is never gonna be empty and his is probably the same. It's Christmas for god's sake! I can't just manipulate the family holiday for my romantic flings!" I mutter.

Then my grandma walks in and joins the boys by the kettle, so our conversation is over for now.

We regroup upstairs in the room I'm sharing with Daniel and Jocelyn. Isaac suddenly snaps his fingers and says "I've got it!"

"Go on," I tell him.

"Our car. We could drive you out somewhere, then go off for a walk while you have sex in the back-"

Jamie interrupts, "no they are NOT having sex in my parents car. No fucking way."

Isaac just chuckles and shakes his head, and honestly it is a funny idea, so the three of us start giggling.

Then Jocelyn appears "What's so funny?"

"The idea of Fern ever managing to have sex with someone," Jamie quickly covers, though I elbow him sharply for it.

She pretends to smile and goes to her camp-bed to pick up a book. "I could've sworn I looked out the back window last night Fern," she says just before she leaves the room, "and I'm not sure I saw you".

My heart starts racing. "Look, I get more anxious than I'd like to tell people. I went out the front to begin with but the street lights were putting me off," it's half true, I do get really anxious sometimes.

"Right," she nods and leaves. I'm not sure if she believed me or not.

"It's a shame we're leaving today really," Jamie quickly changes the subject.

"Yeah," Isaac agrees, "we coulda come up with a better plan for Fern otherwise."

My phone buzzes and we all look at each other with wide eyes. I check the message.

Archie: hey, I know it's cringe but I wanna see you again before you leave. Hope last night went okay!

I show the boys, my heart pounding.

"Just shag him already!" Isaac laughs. They help me compose my reply.

It was alright, thanks. And I'd really like that, just wish we could get some privacy hahah

The text comes through: I'm home alone this afternoon.


Hehe. Bit of a short chapter whoops.

~ R x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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