"It's either you or your little sister," he said.

My eyes went wide.

I couldn't let Chelsea go through the same thing as I did when I was a child.

So I reluctantly agreed.

"Fine.......but first put her down," I replied seriously.

I was about to follow them when the other man threw Chelsea to the water.

"Barbie! Ahhhhhhhhhh..... help!" Chelsea screamed.

I gasped in horror.

No, no, NO!

The two men grabbed my arms firmly trying to force me to the van.

But I wasn't gonna let that happen.

So I punched one of them in his shoulder causing him to lose balance and fall down.

The other one was about to attack but I didn't give him the opportunity to.

I grabbed him by his arm and shoulder and forcefully threw him at his friend causing both of them to groan in pain and curse me.

But I didn't care. I spun around towards the river.

"Barbie wait!" Cassandra called.

But I dove into the water.
But I couldn't find my sister.

"Chelsea! Chelsea, where are you?" I shouted hopelessly as I was swimming and looking for her.

She was nowhere to be seen.

I couldn't give up on my sister
So I tried again.

"Barbie! I'm here."

I looked where the voice was coming.

Chelsea wasn't in the river. She was standing on the other side of the river with David beside her.

I sighed in relief.

She was okay.

I quickly got out of water and ran towards her.

I pulled my little sister in a hug.

"I'm glad you're safe, little sis," I said as I held her tighter to myself.

She giggled.

Oh my God! How I really missed the sound of her happy giggles.

"Come on, you two! Let's head back before you catch a cold," Cassandra said.

I rolled my eyes at her playfully.

"Barbie, will you please come back with us? We all missed you," Chelsea pleaded.

I sighed. I really wanted to.......but Dunbar was still after me. I couldn't risk it.

"Don't worry, Chels. I'll be back in no time," I replied.

"He is still after you, isn't he?" she asked worriedly.

I sighed as I nodded in reply.

We headed back to our hiding place.

We decided to take Chelsea back to mom and dad tomorrow since it was too late now.

So I was gonna spend the whole night with my little sister. But before that I decided to call my mom so she wouldn't worry much.

"Barbie, come here," Cassandra called.

I shrugged as I went to see what she needed.

She showed me a suitcase.....

"What's this?" I asked curiously.

She opened the suitcase revealing thousands of dollars.

"Holy moly! This is a lots of sum of money. Where did you get this?" Renee asked.

Cassandra nodded as she was smiling mischievously.

"Remember when I said Mr. Brown was involved in illegal activities?" Cassandra asked as she smirked.

I glanced at my friends and we nodded.

She giggled.
"Today I managed to take this from him without him noticing. You know what's this useful for?" Cassandra smirked.

I quickly caught up what she was trying to say......

I smirked back.

"Purrobably it's a good way to get back at him. After all it would be claw-ful if this evidence gets public," I joked as I smirked.

Cassandra gave me her phone.

"How about we tell him about our surprise now?" she giggled.

I nodded as I called him.

"Mr. Brown services, what can I do for you?" he asked.

I could tell he was nervous.... maybe for his suitcase.

"Hi Mr. Brown! This is Barbie Roberts. I wanted to know if you lost a black suitcase.......filled with money from illegal activities?" I laughed mischievously.

Damn.....wish I could see his face now....

A/N: Pff hahaha! 😂😂😂😂
I'm laughing my head off.

Barbie is now in revenge mode!
I suggest everyone not to mess with her now 🤣😂😂.

Barbie in secret Roberts legacyWhere stories live. Discover now