Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's been a couple of days since the alleyway incident, the perpetrator hadn't been caught yet. Its concerning how those people still roaming around, should've called the police back there or at least capture them. But again I think I only put myself in trouble if I did, if the news managed to make their way to Dana White I could lose my fight or worse. Not to mention the incident include three idol members, can't imagine how the media will make the news out of this.

Me and the team are now already moved to a hotel located in Busan, in addition coach Jackson and Dong-hyun tagging along. They said they purchased a seat to support me at the sideline, good to know. Ever since the sparring me, Elijah, Ash and Dong-hyun been talking a lot so we got befriended pretty fast. Dong-hyun is a chill guy, his English is limited but enough for us to make a conversation.

"Okay 30 seconds left people, push it!"

Currently me and the other are doing some cardio to cut some weight in the hotel's gym. The fight is a couple of days away and I need to maintain my body weight so I won't past the scale at the weigh-in.

"Okay times up!" coach Riley announced as he stopped the timer. Me, Ash and Elijah dropped from the air bike as we panting for breath.

"I... hate... this thing..." Ash said as he hit the air bike a little while trying to catch his breath.

"If you still have some energy to complain then do another round." Ash gave a groaned to reply Riley as he standing up again. "And don't hit the bike will you?"

"I... have to agree with Ash, I hate cardio so bad." I said as I standing up too. "But you gotta toned down the BBQ meat man, you're getting fat"

I can hear Ash groaned again all the way to the back of the room as he drinks his water from his own bottle. I chuckled a bit as I looked at Elijah, who is still laying down gasping air like a fish in a pond. "You good man?"

"I'm... dying..." as I heard that I can't helped but laughed.

"Hey (Y/N), go check on the guy if he's okay." Coach Miguel said as i nodded and went towards Elijah. I stood up towering him as i put up two of my fingers in front of him.

"How many fingers?"

"F-four...?" Elijah replied while trying to squinting his eyes with a daze look.

"Hmmm... yup, don't worry, he's still alive." I said jokingly as Elijah tried to swat mt hand off of his face.

"Quit with the whining, go take a break, we'll start again in 3." Riley said as he and Miguel walking towards the room door, probably to get some freshener.

"3 hours?" I said a little bit loud for him to hear.

"3 minutes you smartass!" Riley said as he finally out from the room with me still laughing from my little joke.

"How in the world you still have those stamina to joke around is beyond me." Dong-hyun walks towards me as he gave me my bottle. "He gave you three an 8 rounds of 30 second air bike exercise."

"Haha, well, you know, gotta keep up the positive vibes. The closer the match day the more motivation I- "as I was about to continue my sentence, Ash cuts me off.

"He's still happy about meeting IZ*ONE's Yujin." He said as he passed by me, Elijah laughed while still on the floor as I can only put a deadpan look.

"Still? Dude it was six days ago. I mean I can understand why you do." Dong-hyun said as he chuckled a bit. I glared at Ash a little before turning back to Dong-hyun.

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