15. Back to the Beginning

Start from the beginning

"I guess I'll see you tonight, right?" Sarah said opening her arms to give me a hug. I held her tight. It had been so long since we've actually got to hang out. I had been working like crazy and I barely find time to sleep now a days. 

"Yeah, of course." Tonight Sarah and Michael were hosting a small Christmas party at their place. I was completely sure everyone was coming so there was no way I could back out. 

I walked out and got into my car. I wasn't too late but I called Clark back to let him know I was still coming. I met him at the mall. He still looked the same. It was strange to think he would change over the few months but a part of me was just weird I guess.

He smiled instantly when he saw me approaching. "It's about time." 

"Sorry. I fell asleep." 

"Of course you would." 

We made our way down the aisles, looking through random racks of clothes. "So do you have any idea what you plan on getting her?"

He shook his head. "Nope." Clark lift up the most hidious looking sweater from a pile of clothes and actually stared at it; like he was considering it. 

I quickly yanked it from his hand and threw it back from where he got it. "That would be a no."

I took his hand and lead him towards the purses. "A safe bet would be to buy her a purse."

"Sure." Clark quickly got distracted going through the different purses. It was actually kind of cute to watch. There's a good reason why guys shouldn't shop for girls. 

"So," he asked giving up his search after ten minutes. "How are things going with you?"

"Good, good. Just really busy with work. What about you?"

"Same. But I'm glad you agreed to come with me today. It's been so long." 

Yeah, it honestly felt like forever. "Me too. Has anything changed?" 

Clark shook his head and focused his dark chocolate brown on me. "Not really."

"How about the family?" I wanted to ask about Chris. It was killing me not knowing anything about him. I just didn't get it either. He hadn't once tried to contact me since he left. Did I really expect him to thou? 


His simple reply was itching at my curiousity. What the hell? I'll just ask. "How is Chris doing?" 

He kinda gave me that look but answered me anyway. "He's been crazy busy too. Work has him tied down. I barely speak to the guy anymore." 

Clark started examining at a decient looking GUESS purse when he finally asked me the question I was dreading. "Why do you want to know about him?"

I shrugged my shoulders and looked away, avoiding his stare. "Well we did walk down the aisle together once upon a time." 

Clark laughed. "Yeah I also recall you both fighting worse that cats and dogs." 


He dropped the purse and turned my direction. Oh gosh. This was getting serious now. I figured he was waiting for me to do the same so I turned to look at him.

"Laura is there something you're not telling me? About Chris, I mean. We're friends. You can talk to me." 

You're also Chris' cousin. I wanted to tell him, everything, but I couldn't. "No. No. I was just curious. He hasn't come to visit since the wedding. I thought maybe something happened to him."

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