Chapter 2: Classmates & Classrooms

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We make it to homeroom. I head to a desk in the back, trying not to be noticed. As I sit down, I can feel all the kids staring at me. Come on bell, where are you? Briiiiiiiiiing! Phew!

The teacher walks in. He is young, and like most teachers-doesn't miss a thing. He clears his throat and says, "Welcome back class. Today we have a new student joining us. Trevor, will you come up and introduce yourself?" At least he knows not to use my deadname. I slowly walk to the front of the class.

"Hi, I'm Trevor. I moved to Jackson from Raleigh." What else was I supposed to say? It isn't like I can tell them much more. "Well, some people can be shy on their first day. Thank you Trevor."

Homeroom is very boring. Mr.Stonewall goes through announcements and fails to get anyone excited about the upcoming library day. Seems kind if early in the year to go to the library. The bell won't ring for another five minutes, so we get free time.

Lacie immediately walks up to me. She pulls out her schedule, and asks for mine. Turns out, we have ALL our classes together. She is NEVER going to stop bugging me. The bell rings to switch classes.

I walk into the dance studio feeling comfortable. This is the one thing that hasn't really changed since I moved. "Welcome class! This year is all about finding yourself and getting your body moving." Sounds like anything your typical dance/PE teacher at school would say.

The rest of the school day went about the same as the first two classes. The teachers gave a little introduction of themselves and the run-down of the class-and had me do MORE introductions.

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