Chapter 1 - Arrival

Start from the beginning

"How was it?" Debora asked.

"Yep, I got through to the next round!"  

"Wow, that's great!" She beamed with pride.

Chloe could be very light-headed sometimes, especially when nervous, and that was why she forgot her scarf in the room where they interviewed and auditioned her. To return her scarf, Ralph went out and as soon as he saw the black Debora, a still small voice in his mind compelled him to call for her.

"Your friend," He looked at Chloe. "is she auditioning too?"

Debora looked at him wondering if she would be good enough to make it through to the next round.

"Yes, she is!" Chloe replied impulsively.

Debora didn't know what to say, so she just followed Ralph into the room. In the room, she saw a round table and the two man, but her friend was still there, so she felt safe.

"Chloe, will you leave us just for a few minutes?" Ralph – the much older judge – pleaded.

"Sure." Chloe smiled. "I'll see you outside." Thus, Chloe left the room.

Debora felt very nervous all of a sudden.

"Nervous?" Ralph asked.

Adam was still organizing the papers he had filled out, very confused, and annoyed with the criteria his father had selected for the female lead voice that should represent their church in the future. As he heard the girl's reply, he noticed how different her voice sounded; so distinct from what he had heard so far and that intrigued him. He instinctively looked up. For some reason, the distinct voice matched with her exotic complexion. Their eyes met but they looked away. Ralph noticed something had changed in the atmosphere, but decided to proceed:

"Why haven't you registered to be auditioned?" The older man asked.

"I've flown from Europe to Australia, and I've just arrived in Sydney."

"So, you are no worship leader, nor do you sing in a Christian band?"

"Well, not yet, no!"

"Do you have a sponsor?" He questioned out of sheer curiosity.

"Yes, my company sponsors me to live here." She thought she had given away too much information already.

"And you're single?"

"I am." She stammered.

"Great, we have a very busy schedule."

Adam, a long-haired guy, really felt something different around her. "Can you sing?" He asked.

"I guess." Debora replied.

"I mean, can you sing for us to listen?" He was scribbling on a piece of paper.

Her heart jumped inside her chest, and for a moment she was lost for words. Adam noticed and slid to her a sheet with the lyrics of one of the most famous songs of their band.

"Do you know this song?" He asked.

"I guess." She stammered; her throat was so dry.

"So, please!" He stretched his hand hinting that she should stand and move to the middle of the room to show off her singing skills.

She started the first line of the song, but her voice failed.

"Water?" Adam questioned.

She nodded to him. He then stood up and walked to her. He was a couple inches taller, she noticed. He opened a bottle and stretched it to her. She drank from it and tried to sing but was so nervous and so unprepared that the voice wasn't resounding the way it should.

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