Meeting Takaaki

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"My friend and I studied together in third period." Taka smiled as he sat down at the kitchen table with a plate of food that his father had prepared. His father being Takaaki Ishimaru, the head of the local police force, and son of the infamous last prime minister.

"Kiyotaka" Takaaki started catching Takas attention. "Yes father?" "You talk a lot about this 'friend' of yours" Takaaki smirked tilting his head "how come I've never meet him?" Takas eyes widen, the amount of blush on his cheeks making his face look as red as his eyes. "Haha! What're you talking about Father??" The compass waved his hands back and forth in panic. He laughed with uneasiness, he looked back at his father hoping for a change in subject but Takaaki's smirk only grew. A couple seconds of uncertain hope went by before Taka gave up. The boy sighed "How'd you know he was a guy? I thought I was being good at hiding it." His father laughed cutting up some food on his plate then putting it in his mouth. Takaaki swallowed then extended his index finger "one, you've slipped up too times I just didn't feel like mentioning it then-" then his middle finger "two, I'm the head of the police force, enough said there-" then his ring finger "and three, for the record you can love whoever you want I don't care about gender, as long as they're good for you that's all I care about." The compass' father smiled with a sense of genuine warmth and comfort, something that only someone who's been with Taka for so long could do.

Takas eyes filled with tears making them look bigger than they already do. He bowed his head shutting his eyes tightly letting the tears come out. He quickly wiped away his tears with his sleeve and raised his head with a huge smile on his face. "Thank you so much father! I'll never forget your kindness!" Takas eyes were glossy but it looked like he wouldn't be crying after that. Takaaki rubbed the back of his head with a slight embarrassed blush for what he said next "yeah, I love you son, don't forget that." The tears came back "o-of course! I love you too father!" Taka gave his father a salute before wiping away his tears again with a sniffle. "Why don't you ask him to spend the night tomorrow?" Takaaki asked immediately making Takas relaxed face turn into a panicked one. The father squinted his eyes "it would be your first sleepover and I'm okay with it...why have you been keeping his identity a secret Kiyotaka?" Kiyotaka was looking at anything except his fathers eyes, when his tone was as serious as it was right now looking into his eyes automatically made you spill out whatever secret you were keeping. It's what made him such a great cop.

Beads of sweat ran down Takas face, he picked up his silverware and scarfed down most of his food. Takaaki sat back in his seat crossing his arms. "I'm not going to like him, am I?" The question only made Taka panic and eat faster. "Don't eat so fast, you'll get heart burn." His father sighed rubbing his temples. Taka nodded putting one last spoonful in his mouth before putting his silverware down. "May I be excused?" He asked still not making eye contact. "If you look at me" Takas eyebrows furrowed with his eyes squeezed shut, he slowly raised his head so that it was facing his dad, a tight pout on his face. Takaaki stared at his son, then raised an eyebrow. Realizing that this isn't what his father wanted he opened one eye, his fathers piercing stare went right through him opening both of his eyes. "I want to meet him tomorrow, ask him to come over." Taka hung his head with a small nod. "Yes father.." "you're excused."

"And that leads us to where we are now" Taka said with a pout running his fingers through his hair. It was now the next day, last class of the day to be exact and Taka was explaining to Mondo what they would have to do. "Yup, your old mans a scary as fuck dude" Mondo messed with the back of his hair, Taka sat up from his seat. "Language! And you shouldn't talk bad about my father like that! He's very nice and works hard everyday to make me happy..but he is rather scary sometimes." Taka gently tapped his paper with his pencil resting his head in his palm. It was a moment of silence before Taka spoke again. "I'm scared Mondo" Mondos eyes rose, he quickly grabbed a chair from a nearby desk and pulled it over closer than needed and sat down. Mondo sat with the chair backwards, it was a delinquent habit, he then rested his arms on Takas desk head resting in them. "Talk to me Taka."

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