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Today is the 30th of April 2021 and a few hours ago, I finished Psycho.... WoooWOWOWOWOwowowOOWowoOWowwoOWOWOWOwoOWOWOWOwOOW *clapping*

Ahm, anyway moving on. At the moment this story has 1,260 reads with only 17 chapters out which is already amazing to me. To be honest I didn't expect it to go this far and even though this is not much reads considering the fact there are fanfictions out there who have over 500k reads, but I still think it's an accomplishment to be proud off. I've never had the courage to show my work to so many people, and since you guys are so nice and always write me encouraging and cheerful comments I really feel good about this story.

I don't want to turn out to confident, but I think this book will do well, I mean in my heart it's already doing amazing but I am still excited to see what happens when I publish it entirely, and leave it here for more people to see it.

I thought it would be fun to tell you a bit of how I came up with the story line, I know I'm an amateur when it comes to writing but I still think sharing experience and ideas with other fanfiction writers can help them, since I asked a lot of people on opinions on this story and things I wasn't sure about like my dear friend P. She helped me with a lot of stuff like for example the drugs Jisung was using in the beginning. If you haven't googled them, I'm telling you now that they actually exist, I just rearranged the way they work and their side effects, but I still tried to hold on to their original effects.

Big inspiration for this book was the drama "It's ok not to be ok" since I picked up a lot about these mental states and how to deal with panic attacks, I even gave the workers in this book the same working shifts as the people in the drama had. Other than that, I let my mind create Jisung's past and his crazy father as well as Jieun's past and the thing that happened with her sister. I also tried to keep Minho, Jisung and Seungmin as real as possible. I mean I had to immagine how they would react in every situation but I still tried to keep them as the real Minho, Jisung and Seungmin. And of course Jeongin was in here as well, but to tell the truth he wasn't planned for this book, I literally threw him into the story in the last moment. I wanted them to have a peaceful night without hiding to intensely, so I could create chapter 35 in peace.

Also, I'm sorry for writing mistakes, I know I make a lot of them since english is not my first language it's... it's my 6th but don't take me for a big language learner. I know there are a lot of fallows instead of follows and cames instead of comes and worms instead or warms and also thoughts instead of thoughs. I'm doing my best to fix such mistakes for the future chapters but I get tired of rereading my own chapters as well, you know because the more I read it, the more I wanna change it and it's tiring for my brain.

Anyway thank you to everyone who have been reading Psycho so far, and I'll be back to write what progress this book made on 30th of July since the last chapter is scheduled to come out on that day. Now, I will continue to work on Felix's and Hyunjin's book. See ya!!

By the way I have terrible cold at the moment and I know I should go to bed but I think I'm gonna end up watching Vincenzo for the night hihi.


I take it back. I know shit about panic attacks lmaooo, but I also think they work different for everyone based on each individual and the way they are, so it's fine. I just finished checking up the last chapter a few seconds ago (watch it have like a thousand mistakes that I missed.) and I'm about to post it right.. now.

So, it's July 29th and Psycho is officially finished.

I am glad to inform you, that you successfully wasted 7 hours and 8 minutes of your life on this book, congratulations!! At this moment this book has 3,798 reads and also SOOOO MANY PPL added it to their reading list that I am literally blown away. Thank you so much to everyone who have been sticking around this long. I know it's exhausting to always wait for new chapters, but you still stayed and read it every week so I'm really thankful for that.

Psycho (Han Jisung)Where stories live. Discover now