Chapter Two

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Well if you haven't figured out who Goth Daddy is yet, then I'm giving it away this chapter. Btw, (just to make it easier) when Frank baby talks he replaces some of his C's and K's with T's and his L's and R's with W's.
Enjoy Killjoys

"We should probably get to class." He says.

"Otay, but how tome I've never seen you awound before?" I asks.

"Oh, I just moved here like a month ago. I've seen you in the halls, but never really thought to say 'hi'. But then, I saw you being bullied and wanted to help." He explains.

" tome you didn't wanna say 'hi'?" My tone fills with sadness.

He senses my sorrow and quickly spurts out. "Nothing bad, I just didn't wanna scare you with my makeup."

"Oh, Otay. So, what's your name?" My mood lightening back up.

"It's Jake Munro." He smiles. "Yours?"

"Fwank Iewo, but you tan tall me Fwankie." I introduce. We silently walk back to Pete's locker. When we get back to Pete, he stares at Jake for a moment in total shock.

"Alright Frankie, this is where our paths part." Jake smiles.

"Awe, otay." I hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek, blushing. "By da way, I wike your makeup."

"Thank you." Jake smiles, turning and walking away.

"So who's your new friend?" Pete asks.

I turn to face him. "Oh, Dat's Jake. He nice. I wike him."

"Frankie, how'd you get into little space?" He asks noticing my baby talk.

I look down, embarrassed. "He saved me fwom Mariwyn. Acuz Mariwyn twied to make me do...innapwopwiet tingz."

"Fuck, when was this?" Pete's voice becomes angry.

"When you went to da bathwoom." I explain.

"Goddamit!" He slams his locker shut. My eyes start to water and my lip trembles. Pete noticed my reaction and quickly calms down. "No, no, Frankie, I'm sorry. Hey, don't cry....look at me." He tilts my head to look at him. "Look at me. Don't cry. I didn't mean to get loud I'm sorry." He picks me up and carries me to class, letting me rest my head in the crook of his neck. When we arrive to class he sets me into my chair. "Frankie, I need you to switch outta little space for me."

"I tan twy." I sniffle.

"Here, just take a short nap during this period. That always helps bring you out of little space. I'll help you catch up on your work later." Pete suggests.

"Otay." I put my head down after sticking my earbuds in. I slowly begin to doze off, slipping into the world of sleep.

I walk to someone shaking me violently. "Frankie wake up."

"Mm, what do you want?" I grunt.

"Class is almost over." Pete informs.

"Crap, what are we working on?" I ask.

"Don't worry, we're working on the same thing as Friday." He begins to pack his stuff away.

"Oh, okay, that's easy enough." I stretch my arms and legs. "How much times left?"

"Mm." He looks at his phone. "7 minutes."

"Okie...what class do we have next?" My brain faulted for a minute.

"History." Pete answers.

"Okie." We spend the last 5 minutes talking about bands we like. The bell rings and we head to History. I walk in and see a familiar blue haired man sitting in the far back corner of the class. "Jake!"

His head snaps up from his phone confused before he recognizes me. "Oh! Hey Frankie! I didn't know you had history this hour."

"I didn't know you did either." I giggle.

"Yeah probably 'cause we sit on the opposite side of the room." Pete jumps in. "Pete Wentz."

He holds his hand out towards Jake as an introduction. "Jake Munro."

"I know. Frankie told me." He states.

Jake looks at me. "He asked. I didn't just randomly tell him!"

Jake smirks. "I see you're no longer in little space."

"M-m." I shake my head as my cheeks turn crimson. "Pete helped me get out of it."

"Yeah, I know." Pete chuckles for a short moment before looking at Jake. "Can talk to you out in the hall for a moment?"

Jake shrugs in response "Sure."

"Frankie, we'll be right back." Pete walks away, Jake following in pursuit.
Pete's P.O.V.

Once we're both out in the hallway, I sigh. "Look, you don't know me and I don't know you, but if you're even considering befriending Frank then you must know he's very sensitive."

"I understand this. He's a little, he's going to be sensitive." Jake muses.

"No, you're not understanding. He's sensitive in and out of little space. And as the days go on it's getting harder and harder for him to control switching out of it." Worry laces my voice. "I'm concerned that one day he'll switch and not come out. He'll be permanently stuck as a little. Not to mention, he doesn't even have a boyfriend that can take care of him."

"Can't you just take care of him?" He chuckles emptily. "I mean as his friend you be there for him and support him when he needs it."

"Yes I understand this, but what about after school?" I point out. "We only have a year left after this one the we're officially adults. Then what?"

"Then you guys move in together until he finds himself a boyfriend. Hell he can move in with me if he has too." Jake smiles.

"Y'know, you're pretty understanding about this kinda thing." I squint at him.

"I don't call myself goth daddy for no reason." He smirks.

"Wait, have you ever had a little?" I ask.

"I have." He answers.

"How long?" I raise an eyebrow.

"About 4 years." He shrugs.

"Wait, you're straight?"

"No." He laughs.

"Oh, well why'd it end?" I continue the questions.

"Because, she had to move and said she'd find someone else that was better than I was." He shifts his weight from one foot to another. "Now the bells doomed to ring any second so I'm going back to the classroom."
Frank's P.O.V.

Jake walks back into the room, followed by Pete shortly after.
Tell me how you guys like it so far???
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
~Sassqueen 🖤

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