Chapter 24

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"Jisoo, I know you have it! C'mon, I'm begging here!" Lisa pleaded for the hundredth time. "Switch with me! I need it in order for my plan to work!"

"Ok, Liz. Here's the thing, it's called Secret Santa for a reason, 'kay?" Jisoo twirled on her heels, facing a desperate Lisa who was comically close to crawling on her knees. "Us exchanging our picks sorta defeats that purpose. And I don't know about you but I take this Christmas Tradition rather seriously. We picked who we picked, and I for one will not betray my beliefs because you just happen to have a hunch that I have the person you want. So save it, slick. I will not reveal my person. No amount of begging or bribery will work on me. I'm an impenetrable fortress, I tell ya, and will not be pressured into- "

"Whoa, whoaaa, babe... let's think this through a minute, shall we?" Seulgi interrupted, an idea formulating in her head. "Lisa, give us a second. My girl and I need to consult one another regarding your case."

"You have got to be kidding me..." Lisa sighed in frustration, but stood aside while the pair communicated in loud, obnoxious whispers across the kitchen from her. After a few seconds, it appeared they had finally reached an agreement.

Jisoo crossed her arms and lifted a brow. "Seul and I are willing to exchange my person for yours once you agree to a list of demands."

"Name them," Lisa spoke through clenched teeth.

"Very well," Jisoo declared. "Haruto duties for the next month. Seulgi and I need vacation time. That entails soccer runs, cupcake runs, and of course, supervising the little idiot during his play dates with Wonyoung." Jisoo demanded confidently. Besides her, Seulgi nodded in support.

"Also, Seulgi does not want to dress as Santa this year, so you will take her place wearing the costume--"

"Hell no! I hate that fuckin-"

Jisoo shut her down by wagging a small, wrinkled piece of paper in the air; the piece of paper that held the name she so desired to have. "Nah-uh. You, sir, are in no position to disagree. Understand?"

Reluctantly, Lisa nodded. "Fine! What else?"

"Lastly - and this is Seulgi's request - you will have to participate in a family photo for the Christmas card that will be sent out to friends and neighbors. You will do so without complaining and follow her directions without inquiries, capisce?"

Lisa relaxed after hearing the last demand. Ha! Easy enough! "Deal!" she blurted out before either one of them could change their mind. "That's it then? We're good? Can we switch now?"

Jisoo and Seulgi exchanged a brief, but satisfied look that should have been enough of a warning to Lisa. Upon hearing the confirmation, Seulgi dashed out of the kitchen toward the basement that Jisoo and herself had been cohabiting for the past few months.

"Alright Manoban," Jisoo walked over to her, passing her the crumpled paper and taking the one Lisa handed her. "You got yourself a deal, kid."

Lisa unfolded the paper; a smile splitting her face in two the second her eyes scanned over the name written messily on it.


She had only a fragment of a second to enjoy the sensation, because right at that moment, Seulgi strutted back into the kitchen, carrying a makeup bag in one hand and a bright magenta, sweet-sixteen gown decked in sparkly beads in the other. Her jaw instantly dropped.

"Time to get ya all dolled up, Princess Lisa," Seulgi said mockingly. "Ye-Jin will be home any minute now and we gotta get you ready for that family photo op."

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