☽Chapter 7☾

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/(???) Pov/

"Have you heard?"

"There was this young girl who hadn't turned 15, got a grimoire."

"No way?" A woman said in shock

"She's from the Enia Village"

As the two ladies were gossiping, I was listening to them, my curiosity piqued by the thought of a child with a grimoire. The rumor spreads quickly, everywhere I go.

I couldn't help but wonder about the child from the Enia Village.

"I'm heading to the Enia Village." I decided to head to the village and see if I could find out more. Upon arriving at the village, I went to the place where the child lived and asked the villagers if they knew the child with a grimoire. Confirmed the rumors were true.

"I have to meet this girl." I felt a mix of both amazement and excitement. I was amazed at the thought of a child with a grimoire and also excited knowing I would have great news to write. I was curious as to what kind of mana the girl possessed and I couldn't wait to meet her to find out. This would be huge from my article!

/Third Pov/

"Asher, take care of your two siblings" Mama announced and Papa waved.

(Y/n) waved and went to the forest for training with Asher and Raiden.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

(Y/n) had a nervous look on her face as she carried a large (f/c) grimoire; something she had never used before. She held it tightly against her chest, feeling nervous and unsure of what to expect. (Y/n)'s grimoire had caught the attention of quite a few people, especially those working within the media and looking for good news to write about.

Asher stopped near the river bank and looked at (Y/n) "Look sis, I know you're nervous," he said, "but there's nothing to worry about. You got your two big brothers to help you, ok?"

(Y/n) took a deep breath and opened the grimoire to a blank page. On the page words slowly appear, written "Lunagem".

"Ok (Y/n), first you have to be relaxed"

"I am relaxed," said Y/n happily

"Then focus on your mana"

"Relax and focus... Relax and focus..."

(Y/n) tried her best to relax, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths. Her brothers offered words of encouragement and reassurance, offering support and trying to help her relax.

She held her hand out and, with her eyes closed, she focused on the mana and tried her best to make it happen. As she was concentrating, a feeling of warmth and mana started to flow through her. With a wave of her hand, a (F/c) orb appeared in her hand, which soon grew into a massive ball.

Asher's eyes widened in surprise and Raiden looked impressed. "Look (Y/n)," Raiden pointed out.

"Not bad for a beginner," Asher smirked feeling proud of his little sibling.

(Y/n) opened her eyes seeing a (f/c) ball appear. But disappeared in a second.

"Good job, Y/n" Raiden praised.

"Aw... It disappeared"

Asher patted Y/n's head. "Don't be disappointed, you still have more time to practice (BA/n) and learn more about your mana."

"I'll try my best to be like you big brother!!! Just you wait!" She said, determined.

"Now that the spirit! Now, try it again"

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