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TW: Violence

"Shh... Please don't cry mommy is here," said the mysterious woman in a cloak hiding under a bush while shushing the baby.

"We have to find her men! She stole our money!" yelled one of the magic knights.

"Yeah, for what she had done, we have to find her!" said the other one.

"Shh... Don't cry," the woman shushing the baby as she cradled back and forth in her arms. 'We have to get out of here.' she thought. She was slowly walking out of her spot so that the magic knight won't see her. A twig snapped, which caught the attention of the magic knights.

"There she is, get her!" shouted one of the magic knights. The woman starts running to the woods as the magic knights followed her. As she was running, she saw a small cottage in the distance. She went closer to the cottage, and gently put her baby down to the front door.

"Sorry, my little moonlight. It is the only way I can save you," she said, as a tear fell to her cheek. She took off her silver bracelet with a name on it and put it beside the baby. The baby cries again as if knows that the woman will leave her.

The woman picks her baby up and sings a lullaby to quiet the baby down.

"I love you (Y/N), forever always." she kissed the baby on the forehead one last goodbye and put her down. She knocked on the door and quickly hid.

Waiting for a while, the door opens. The woman saw a purple-haired and purple-eyed woman with glasses. The purple-haired woman looked puzzled as she looks around to see who is knocking on her door. She heard a baby cry and looked down. Surprised was written on her face that she saw a baby on her front door. She picked up the baby and the bracelet beside her. And she again looked around one last time to see if someone was there, but there is no avail. The purple-haired woman went inside and closed the door.

The mysterious woman who is hiding in the shadows the whole time was relieved that the woman let her baby daughter inside her home.

'Be safe, my little moonlight.'

She was back to reality when she heard many footsteps in the distance. She quickly left her spot and ran as fast as she could. The footsteps were slowly fading. She was thinking, where is the opening way out of these woods 'I need to get out of these woods fast.' She saw the opening of the woods. She was nearly out of the woods when she saw a silhouette of a person blocking her way. She thought that it was one of the civilians. But, she thought it all wrong it was one of the magic knights who's blocking her way. She stopped in her tracks as she steadies her breathing and walks away slowly. The man turned around and saw her.

"There you are, sweetheart. We have been looking for you," the man grinned at her creepily. He walked towards her. The woman was terrified and let out her grimoire in a panic.

"Ice Magic: Ball of frost!" a shaped ball full of ice came out from the woman's hand and towards the man. In shock, the man blocked her magic.

"Sorry, sweetheart, it was not effective," he said, grinning more. She was about to run away. But, she was surrounded by the magic knights. As she was about to cast another spell, someone put rope magic around her whole body as she struggled to get out.

"Please don't kill me!" the woman cried out.

"Is that so, sweetheart?" The woman nodded as she cried.

"Well, in that case. Where is our money that you stole?" He questioned.

"I-I already used it," she stuttered while choking in her tears. The man was furious. He grabbed her by the neck and left her up in the air.

"Why did you use it, woman!" he shouted to her face as the woman was struggling to breathe. She was about to speak, but no words came out. The man releases the woman. She fell to the ground and gasped for air.

"To... feed... my... baby..." she said, slowly breathing. The man kicked her in the gut and, she groaned in pain.

"So, that's where it went. To feed your precious baby so that it won't be starved to death," he said with an annoyed face. He kicked the woman again. The woman now screams in pain and, told him to stop.

"Please stop! Please!"

"Why would I stop? It is your fault you have a baby. You make lovey-dovey with your husband. And then boom! Here comes the baby. But wait, we don't have any money. Oh, I have an idea how about? I stole some money from the magic knights. Yeah, that's a good idea," he said, mocking the woman who is on the ground crying in pain. The man pulled her hair to face him.

"Well, sweetheart. You didn't think that this will happen to you. Did yeah?" the woman was silent at the same time crying her heart out.

"Not talking, huh? Well, see about that. Rock Magic: Stekelig Rock!" rock spikes came from the ground and stabbed the woman.


"Scream! Scream more! No one can hear you," the man smiled creepily.

"My pal here makes a barrier for us that is soundproof. So, other people can't hear you," he pointed to his comrade behind him.

"Stop! Please, it hurts!!" She pleads.

"Stop your yapping. It's getting annoying!" he yelled, looking at her almost lifeless eyes.

"You're going to hell for doing this to me," said the woman with venom in her voice. The man only laughed hysterically and said.

"Say hi to Satan for me. Sweetheart." waving his hands towards her.

/(???) Pov/

Someone knocked on my door.

"Who could that be?" I questioned and went to the door and opened it. As I opened the door, no one was there. I looked to see if there was a person somewhere.

"Wahh!!" I look down in shock. There was a baby on the ground wrapped in a blanket.

"Poor child, where could be your parents?" as I pick the baby and cradled her. I looked around one last time and went inside. I put the baby in my bed to wonder. 'Why would anyone leave her here.' Something spotted my eye, a silver bracelet with a little pink charm and a shaped heart. I picked it up and look at the bracelet. There was a name written on it.

 There was a name written on it

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"Alexandria and Bruno," I read. "Maybe that's your parent's name?" as I look at the baby sleeping soundly. The baby kicks her blanket away to reveal a name in her onesie.

"(Y/n) (L/n). A beautiful child with a beautiful name." I smiled.

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How was it?

The next chapter will be published on Monday. Have a wonderful day.

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