☽Chapter 3☾

591 17 1

TW: Blood

December 12

"Aunty, can we go to the church. I want to play with Yuno and Asta."

"Sorry, sweetie, we can't. It looks like it's going to snow heavily tonight. We have to stay here after the snow is gone."

"Okay... But can I go outside with (C/n) to read a book?"

"Sure, but don't stay too long."

I grabbed the book and (C/n) leap onto my shoulder, and we went outside.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

"Woah, this book is amazing! There are so many things I don't know about." I was blown away by the picture and the titles. As I was done reading the book, I looked in the sky. It is getting darker. There was an idea that pops into my head.

"Hey, (C/n) let's pick some sticks so we will be warm for the snow. Aunty Divya, will be proud!" (C/n) meowed in response like agreeing to me. I hid the book in my mini bag and began picking some sticks.

/Divya Pov/

I was preparing for dinner to eat when someone is knocking at the door. 'Who could that be.' I washed my hands and wiped my hands to my apron. I opened the door, and it was the magic knights.

"What I can I do for you gentlemen?" I greeted them with a smile.


I feel something pierced through my stomach.

/(Y/n) Pov/

"Sticks sticks to make us warm for the winter," I sing a tone as I carry a lot of sticks on my arm and (C/n) has one on his mouth. We walked back home. I saw the door swing open in the wind. I didn't think of anything as I walk to the door frame.

When I was about to announce my presence, I dropped all my sticks to the ground. The shock from what I saw. Every piece of furniture was broken, the books were everywhere, and there was a blood trail to the kitchen.

I slowly followed the blood trail, and there I saw Aunty Divya not moving nor breathing. I rushed to her side and shook her to wake up.

"Aunty Divya? Aunty. Aunty, please wake up!" I shook her violently as I cried call her. No response, even a little movement.

"We have to dispose of the body before someone can see it." I heard a male voice. The footsteps are coming closer to the kitchen.

"Who do we have here." I looked at the man who spoke and saw blood on his clothes. Terrified took over me, not moving from my spot. The other man picks me up by the shirt. I was struggling with his grasp.

"Stop! Squirming little brat!" the man shouted at me.

"You killed her!" I blast (F/c)/(Favorite/color) ball magic to him. He hissed in pain and released me. I quickly ran to the door.

"Idiots! Why are you standing there? Get that brat!" He yelled to his fellow men. They rushed to follow me.

I ran as fast as my little legs go, not caring that I almost trip every five seconds. In the distance, I arrived at the Hage Village. I quickly ran right and hid between a hallway and sat on the ground to catch my breath.

"Where did she go?"

"Maybe in there!"

They ran past me, and I sighed in relief. I crawled into a ball and cried my eyes out, remembering from earlier. 'I don't know where to go now. I'm all alone.'

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