Chapter 1: World's Martial Arts Tournament

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Today's suppose to be a special day today, ya'know? Things don't exactly ever go how I plan for them to go, though... It's just gotta be my luck. It's not the best.

I try to make the most of the bad luck, though, but it doesn't...exactly do much for me but get me into more trouble...

It's hard to explain...ignore my babbling. Today is just suppose to be the best day...

I smiled softly and looked to my best friend, Phoebe, Goku's only daughter. She was a year older than me. Trunks, my older brother and only sibling, and Phoebe were eight, and Goten, Phoebe's younger brother, and I are seven.

"Hey, Lithia? Do you know anything yet on... Well you know?" She asked.

She had a huge crush on Trunks, no secret really, and she was bugging me to find things out, like friend's do, and since he was right there she couldn't say anything specific for obvious reasons. She usually was better about asking me on the side, but she was more antsy today then usual. She really wanted to know. Must be the 'growing up' thing.

"Pfft, girls." Trunks rolled his eyes with a smirk and Goten nodded in agreement with a small laugh of his own.

I leaned close and whispered,"Single, probably looking for a girl knowing him, and I think he likes you back. I mean, just by the way he acts around you and how he talks about you to mom at home. Now your turn. What did you find out for me, huh?"

I have a teensy crush on Goten. Teensy...okay, maybe it's bigger than teensy... Maybe. It's kind of like an awkward, cross love thing. She digs my brother, I'm into hers... Just kind of happened somehow. Maybe it's because we never leave the circle of us four, really. Unless we're with their older brother Gohan or one of the other friends of our parents.

"He's into you for sure but afraid of what my mom will say. I mean, who wouldn't be, right? Mom can be scary when it comes to these things... Doesn't help that you're Vegeta's daughter and so into fighting." She answered and I nodded understanding.

Trunks walked over,"Can we start this Junior Devision?!"

I laughed, slugging his arm,"You're so impatient, ya know that? Just like dad." Of course, I was eager to start too. Who wouldn't be?!

Suddenly, though, a pain erupted in my temples. I got this pain pretty often, and I tried to keep it hidden for now but eventually it becomes too much. I screamed and grabbed my head as the agony spread before blacking out, and the usual, annoyance of a vision began.

I saw Vegeta, my arrogant, powerful father, standing by the martial arts tournament sign, watching some unseen battle. I hate how these visions never show enough. What's happening in this battle?! Is it something I should be worried about?!

Then, he was in some ship, holding his head in pain. Why is he in pain?! What's happening to him?!

Then he was standing, like nothing had even happened, an evil smirk on his face. There was some 'M' insignia on his forehead. What the hell is that...? Some kind of freakish carving? My dad always was into the weird stuff.

Next, he was standing and looking back, and I saw Goku lying out cold on the floor. Oh, nice dad, did you start crap all over again?

What is this?! Why am I seeing this, and now?! Right now?! Are you serious?! Obviously they'll find out soon something's up! I mean I'm smiling then out cold! How am I suppose to explain this to the others... Just my luck. Or lack thereof.

Next, he was in a position with a bright aura surrounding him. An explosion?

The next slide was a video clip, or that's all I could find to describe it... It just didn't show in flashes like usual. This one moved.

He was up in air, made of stone! Like...he literally was turned to stone... Then he immediately fell from the sky and crashed into the ground, shattering. Then wind came and blew the pieces away. It was clear he had died... He'd died?! Wha-? How?!

I woke up to Phoebe staring at me, Trunks and Goten too.

"Hey, Lithia... You missed the Junior Devision... Are you okay?" Trunks asked worriedly, and I nodded rubbing my head.

Trunks nodded,"Good... Goten and I will go tell our father's you're okay, then. No use in leaving them worried, right?" And with that, the two left me to do as Trunks had said.

"You are definitely not okay! First you were fine and smiling and then you randomly fainted. Explain. And don't give me some bullshit answer, either."

"I can't tell you, Phoebe..." I said, shakily,"I just can't..."

"Like hell you can't! I'm your best friend, yes you can!" Phoebe pushed, her worry turning into anger and frustration quickly.

"I can't, Phoebe! I'm serious." I sighed heavily.

"Why not?" She demanded harshly.

"Because I'm not really too sure myself."

"Well, just tell me every detail. Maybe we can both figure it out."

"I can't, Phoebe! Just drop it!" I groaned.

She narrowed her eyes, but I didn't care. I needed to deal with something at the moment...

I saw Vegeta by the sign, looking exactly like from the vision. They were talking about going to some 'Babidi's' ship. Maybe I have a chance! I can stop this before it goes down! Yes!

"No, you can't go!" I burst out, hurrying to his side, stumbling a bit.

"I'm going Lithia. I'll be back later." Vegeta said dully.

I fought back some tears,"You can't promise that. You don't even know what you're up against fully."

"Hey, he's got us and he's strong. You don't have to worry." This 'Goku' guy I just met said. Like I'm suppose to trust him, right? All I know is he's Gohan, Phoebe, and Goten's dad.

"I can worry, and I do! You can't go, dad! Come on! Listen to me!" I all but screamed at him, grabbing his hand.

"What's gotten into you?! I'm going, now knock it off." Vegeta snapped, pulling his hand away from mine.

"No! Screw you! Fine! Die then, see if I care!" I screamed at him, trembling and glaring darkly at him.

"I'm not gonna die! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I grabbed dad around the waist in a hug.

"Please, don't leave me!" I cried softly into him,"You can't... Just stay. Just this once! Just listen to me this once!"

He got me off and ruffled my hair,"I'll be fine. Stop worrying so much."

"No you won't! Dad, I'm serious! Listen to me! Just-Just-!" I screamed and Phoebe, Trunks, and Goten pulled me away and practically dragged me to another room and locked the door so my dad could leave without me holding him back.

"NO!!! THEY'LL KILL HIM!!! LET ME OUT!!! I HAVE TO HELP HIM, YOU IDIOTS!" I screamed and Trunks looked at me like I was pyscho.

"Come on, Lithia, this is dad we're talking about! He's gonna be fine." Trunks tried to reason.

"Lithy, what's wrong? We won't let you go until you explain." Phoebe said, her arms crossed firmly.

I hugged my knees and cried into them,"Doesn't matter. He's gone, and soon will be dead because all of you are stupid fracken idiots!" I screamed, and they knew I didn't mean it since I was just upset.

"Come on... Calm down..." Phoebe said soothingly, and slowly I managed to get myself to calm down enough to actually speak and think rationally.

I nodded and informed them quickly about my vision, and then about my powers. I won't bore you with the repeated details.

"Woah, seven years of life with you, and I failed to catch that?!" Trunks said and smiled.

"Awesome! What kind of powers do you have?!" Goten exclaimed.

"Anything you can do with your mind, really." I said, sniffling softly.

"And this is the secret?" Phoebe asked and I nodded.

"Okay, so Vegeta and them will be back soon, let's wait." She said and we all nodded, though I got anxious again... This isn't going to end well.

To Say You Love Me (Dragon Ball Z) (Under Reconstruction/Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now