Chaper 14

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A/N: Hello, dear readers! I'm on vacation and bored, so I'm finishing this chapter, which has been stuck in drafts for a while, while stuck in the car. You might be getting more updates, but there'll still be no update schedule, sorry.

Dancer's P.O.V:

I glided over the ocean, Toothless beside me. It had been a couple weeks, and I had decided to stay around Berk for a while. Other than the occasional, easy-to-escape encounters with dragon riders and their domestic mounts, life had been pretty easy on the small island.

The warm rays of sun, dappled from patches of sparse, high clouds that floated just above us, poured down on me, and I pondered the weather. They said it rained nine months of the year and hailed the other three, or something, but, for some reason, I hadn't seen a drop of precipitation in all the time I had been there. Strange.....

A moment later, I noticed some irregularly-flowing clouds. Instantly, I backwinged, hissing and preparing a plasma blast in the back of my throat.

"Who's there?!" I hissed, baring my teeth.

A shimmer in the clouds later, and a grinning face was peering down from just above me. I would have blasted the pair of sapphire eyes and their owner to smithereens, had I not recognized the voice that came with them.

"Dancer! I can't believe it's you!" the light fury cried, launching himself at me and wrapping his wings around me for a moment.

I was stunned, in a good way. When we crashed into the cove of a tiny island that had previously been far below, I finally came back to my senses. I gazed through the water and bubbles, finding the eyes of the drake I loved. Lu.

Pressing my forehead to his and melting into the warm embrace, as I had often fantasized of but had never had the chance to do, I missed the large, black shadow diving after us. The moment was broken when Lu was ripped away by my brother.

I shot out of the water after them, only to find the black, larger dragon pinning the pearly white, extremely handsome dragon to the sand. Toothless was growling while a viscous blue lit up his throat, and Lu looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack.

"Stop it, Toothless!!" I yelled, barrelling into him and then rushing over to the light fury. "Lu, are you alright?!"

He took a shaky breath in, "Y-yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm- I'm good, I- I, yeah."

We recommenced hugging, only to be, once again, interrupted by Toothless.

"Who are you? How do you know Dancer? Dancer, who is he and how does he know you?" he demanded, glaring at us.

I turned to him, still leaning against Lu. "This is Lu. He's the dragon who helped me escape Grimmel the Grisly's ship!"

"Oh," he said, looking a little sheepish. Then, something flashed behind his eyes, and he pushed up between us. Spreading his wings out and shoving us apart, he protested, "Oh, oh no! You stay away from my little sister, you, you, you fiend, you."

A/N: Here's the end of what's been stuck, unpublished, for a couple months! Now, onto whatever the heck I spew out right now!

Toothless's P.O.V:

"What's up with you, Toothless??," Dancer exclaimed, trying and failing to dodge around my wings. "Let me see my mate!"

I scowled at the dragon who was trying to take my little sist- ehhm.

.....who was not in my favour.

Lu was looking like an angry puppy, very much failing to be intimidating. Suddenly, he made a face, and I looked at him, confused.

Dancer managed to jump over my wing, as I was distracted, and came to stand by her boyfriend, or whatever. I slouched, sulking, and decided to watch their interaction.

"Lu, how did you get away? Are you alright?" asked Dancer.

He smiled sheepishly, "Uh, Grimmel got in an argument with an opposing trapper group. He forgot to drug me with more deathgripper venom, and I blasted both of them."

"Are you serious?!" Dancer gasped,  "That's amazing! I can't believe he's gone!"

"Oof," Lu huffed, staggering as my sister hugged him. She quickly retracted.

"Are you alright, Lu?" Dancer asked, concerned. I also perked up, noticing a tiny, suspicious, green cut on his spine ridge for the first time.

Lu steadied himself before answering, which looked far too strenuous for such a simple action. "One of the arrows of the hunter group Grimmel was talking with shot me.... there isn't much circulation, where it hit, but I'm starting to feel dizzier. Oh, um, before I forget.... I have to....."

I shot forward, catching the lighter male as he fell over, passing out. Dancer gasped.

"This is dragon root, we need to get him to Hiccup as soon as possible," I said, already gripping him between my front claws.

Dancer right behind me, we took off in the direction of Berk. We weren't aware, however, of the royal blue eyes watching us from the ocean below.

A/N: That's still not a complete chapter's length, but meh. Also, I think we maaaaaaayyy be nearing the end of the book, I don't have too many more things planned.

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