[5] We are spinning our own fates, good or evil, never to be undone

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I look up, catching a glance at the rim of my admittedly indigo colored cap.

"That's...pretty good." I smile. "I mean, coming from a guy who named a fish Hot Dog."

"That fish had Hot Dog written all over him." Peter laughs before turning back to me. "Now it's your turn. Name me."

I let joy fill my eyes. "I'm terrible at thinking on the spot, Peter."

"How bad could you be?"

"I'm just warning you." I say, getting deep into thought. "What about...Silver."

I ruffle Peter's hair and he pushes me away.

"No! You can't call me 'Silver.'"

I cross my arms with a smirk. "You literally named me after a hat."

"I know," he says. "But you already call me Silver. Everyone calls me Silver, even my mom. It's a nickname, not a mutant name. Come up with something better."

I chuckle. "Jeez, someone's high maintenance."

"Just think." He tells me.

I sit back with a smug look on my face. What words make me think of Peter? Kleptomaniac, funny, fast...Suddenly I burst out laughing, the funniest idea running through my head.

"What is it?" Peter asks. "What's so funny."

I try my best to hold back my laughter. "You don't want to be called just Silver, right? So what if I tack something onto the front of that. What if I call you Quicksilver?"

"Quicksilver." Peter repeats, seeming to actually take the name seriously. "That's pretty good."

"Well, I just thought of the stupidest thing imaginable and figured it'd fit you." I say, snickering.

Peter shakes his head. "We match now. Indigo and Quicksilver."

"Oh yeah," I sarcastically agree. "Only need a few more people to join our group. Then we'll have the entire color wheel down."

We share a laugh and then Peter says, "I think I'm good just keeping it you and me. Partners in crime, right?"

I smile. "Yeah, partners in crime."


I lay restless in my bed, my body aching for sleep. I cant allow myself to close my eyes though. Not now, when there's so much at stake. As the small clock next to my bed strikes midnight, I decide to cut my losses and get some fresh air. If I'm gonna be up all night, I might as well semi enjoy myself.

I quietly tiptoe to the door and unlock it. The night air meets me with a cold chill.

"What are you doing, kid?" A voice asks, causing me to turn.

"Oh, Logan." I sigh. "I didn't know you were still up. I'll leave you alone-"

He takes his eyes away from me. "It's alright, you can stay."

We stand next to each other for a countless amount of time. Each of us mind our own business. I don't know Logan very well but from what I've seen, he doesn't seem like a huge talker.

"You can't sleep?" He asks, breaking the silence.

I shrug. "I could but...it wouldn't be an enjoyable experience."

He nods, seeming to somewhat understand.

"Do you have something on your mind? He asks.

"Not really," I say. "Why? Do you?"

Indigo//X-Men daughter storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ