I wasn't sure about telling my business to Darius but the way he was very interested i couldn't help but to tell him .

"I understand, that is a lot of pressure to take but your very strong for taking that responsibility, don't let it stress you though , I bet your a Great first lady just keep pushing . god gave you this wonderful opportunity cause he knew you were strong enough for it .

Hearing those words come out Darius mouth was like music to my ears .. i really needed to hear that from someone . But i couldn't believe he didn't know who i was , especially being friends with Dorinda and traveling with her

"Thank you for that , i really needed to hear that from someone , But is everything okay over there ? i know Dorinda can be really loud sometimes ." i say giggling

"Of course anytime , and yes everything's okay i'm pretty use to her loud talking and laughing." he said laughing back

"But , if you ever need to talk to someone i'm here anytime , here's my card call me anytime you want ." he says handing me the card .

"Thank you , i will ."

i put his card in my purse and headed over to Jacky and Dorinda , before i could settle down good Dorinda got to asking me questions right away .

"Alright sis what was wrong with you yesterday? you thought we forgot ma'am." i sat down and let out a sigh

"Well , Yesterday morning I was in the Kitchen cooking . Drew was complimenting me and you know what that lead too , Y'all know me and Drew always messing around but this time it wasn't love making .. it was very hard and aggressive he was pounding me wayyy to hard and telling me to shut up , Of course i love when he's aggressive but this wasn't the aggressive i loved .. he wouldn't stop when i asked him to stop and that's not like him at all Drew always respect me in any way but he's been acting weird lately , I'm not gonna lie it felt like .. " Tears begin to fill my eyes

"Come here Karen ." i ran into my big sister Jacky arms while Dorinda was rubbing my back . When i was about 18 before i met Drew i was with someone else named Tyler .. i met him in high school but never really liked him but he had a big crush on me ,

i met up with him one day because he needed "help"with homework but he actually raped me ... I never told anybody but Jacky because i knew she would be there for me and wouldn't tell my mother . i still regret to this day not telling my mother cause if i did i knew she would be there for me but i didn't want her to go crazy because i was her baby girl , all i did was just prayed and prayed that god would heal me .

When it came to me crying Jacky always grabbed me and let me cry in her arms .. she knew i was still hurt from getting raped , she knew that's what made me cry harder because i barely let people see me down like that.. just to think about that situation and it happening to me while i was so young hurts my heart i just wish i could just take it back .

When me and Drew got married i told him how i got my virginity taken away from me , he told me he would never hurt me like that or disrespect my body so it really hurt me when he did what he did yesterday morning .

"Karen stop crying .. it's okay ." Dorinda spoke , Dorinda was always the one who cried when i cried .. she hated seeing her sisters in pain physically and mentally she always had a heart and that's what i loved about her .

As Jacky let me out her arms she wiped my tears " Stop crying .. you are a strong woman now gone ahead and finish the story ." i wiped my face with a tissue i had in my purse .

"As i was saying It felt like rape , he was hurting me .. He know my body is very sensitive i just don't know why he would do that when i told him in the beginning and he promised to never hurt me . He heard me crying in the closet and hugged me but didn't say anything about the situation he just brushed it off , Then he had the nerve to tell me to "Ride him " after i was doing some work for the church .. i was disgusted so i just headed to bed ."

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