Chapter 1: Yes

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Alex's POV

I lay frozen beneath my soulmate as I struggled on how to respond. Her blue eyes searched mine and I could see tears brimming. I lean up to her and try to pour all of my love in a passionate kiss. I could feel her tears land on my face and I finally pulled back.

"Yes" I whispered.


"Yes, I'll marry you!" I smile. Her face lit up and she laid on me with a loud sigh.

"I feel so much better. That was harder than learning to fly" she laughs.

"Kara can be a bit much for a teacher" I chuckle.

Rebekah puts her chin in her hand as she looks down at me again. Her eyes are sparkling and I play with her hair.

"How are you feeling after last night?" she asks quietly.

"I'm impressed at the self-control of your powers. I feel fine though. Refreshed if anything, and happy" I smile.

We lay in bed for a while longer before getting up. I was sipping my cup of coffee when Kara called.

"Hi Alex!" she said cheerily.

"Hey, Kar. What's up?" I respond. Rebekah walks out of the room in black jeans, white form-fitting shirt, and jean jacket. I pause for a moment and realize Kara is talking to me still.

"What'd you say?" I murmur.

"I said Lena and I want to meet up with you guys. Are you free today?" she says.

Rebekah nods her head with a smile and kisses my temple.

"Oh, yeah. Where did you want to meet?" I ask.

"How about the DEO first and then maybe get something to eat? Im starving and Alura misses her aunt" Kara says.

"I'm am always up for doing something with my niece. Meet you at the DEO." I hang up and look to my now fiancée.

"I promise I'll be on my best behavior" she says.

"I didn't even say anything!" I pout.

"You get this look on your face. Honestly, I have a feeling our kids are never going to upset you. That look can be scary" she laughs.

"Asshole" I tease.

Rebekah flies us to the DEO and I see that Kara and Lena are already there. Lena is wearing mom jeans and a red shirt while Kara has a green shirt. Alura is snuggled in my sisters arms looking around at the people passing by.

"Hey you two" I smile. I look down at Alura and wiggle my finger at her. "And to you little pumpkin."

"So, we wanted to meet you guys here to discuss somethings" Lena starts. Her CEO tone had me standing straight and worried about what's to come.

"You guys havent- uh...... you havent" Kara stammers. Lena rolls her eyes and smiles at us.

"What my wife can't form into words is, you haven't had sex yet have you?" she asks bluntly. My face starts to blush and Rebekah rubs the back of her neck nervously.

"I'll take that as a yes" my sister-in-law mumbles.

"Alex!" Kara exclaims.


"Well, for future reference please keep in mind that Alex can now get pregnant. Or even Rebekah. Kara and I didn't expect it and now we have Alura" Lena says.

"Is there any way to come up with a birth control?" Rebekah asks. For some reason this hurts me. Does she not want kids with me? She had said that she did. Was she changing her mind?

"I can see what I can do, but it will be a while" Lena responds.

"My wife is a genius. She'll figure it out" Kara smiles.

Alura begins to fuss and they walk away for a moment to change her diaper. I look away to hide that I'm hurting and I can feel Rebekah get closer.

"This is great! Lena will be able to help" she grins. I stay quiet and she moves to stand in front of me. I begin to shake as all of the memories from my relationship with Maggie begin to boil up.

"Hey, Alex. What's wrong?" she asks softly.

"I didn't know you didn't want kids" I whisper. Her arms wrap around me and my eyes start to get cloudy.

"Oh, honey. That's not what I meant. I worded it wrong or I didn't explain enough. I wanted Lena to come up with a way to control who gets pregnant. I know how long you've waited for this and I want to be certain that it's you who gets to experience it" she says into my hair.


"Of course. We can have a baseball team if you want! I really just wanted you to be happy" she says. I pull away to look at her face and wonder why I ever doubted her.

"This is why Im marrying you" I said dreamily.

"You what!?" We both look to see my sister with her mouth hanging open and laugh.

"I asked Alex to marry me this morning" Rebekah says.

"And I said yes" I smile.

"Thats wonderful. Have you decided on last names yet?" Lena asks.

"No, not yet. I've barely thought about the smaller details" I laugh.

"We'll let you know as soon as we decide" Rebekah smiles.

We talk over things for the wedding for a while as we head over to a late breakfast. Kara orders an ungodly amount of pancakes, Lena some fruit and an omelette, Rebekah orders pancakes and waffles, and I order eggs with some sausage and fruit.

We chat about anything and everything. Alura stayed in her carseat for a majority of breakfast as we ate. I finished my breakfast first before my niece began to get fussy.

"Aw pumpkin. Come to aunty Alex" I coo. Lena lifts her from her carseat and I reach for her carefully. I settle her in my arms and let her play with my fingers. I cant wait to have one of my own....

Rebekah's POV

I watched Alex take her niece into her arms and the little tike plays with her fingers. If I didnt love this woman enough. I could imagine her being the best mother. This made me think about everything she told me about her ex.

Maggie had been an important person in Alex's life and had hurt her. I could tell that it still effected her in her insecurities. I was learning what I could and couldnt say or do with Alex. I had thrown her off when I went against what she was expecting.

I didnt mind her not wanting to be Kryptonian. I didnt mind waiting. I didnt mind having kids early off. I knew how much this meant to her and I was excited myself to make a family.

I could see in her eyes as she looked at Alura, the longing.

I remembered when I held her in the shower how she was so broken and I wanted to protect her from all evil. I remember hearing the arguement at the bar and racing to be by her side.

Asking her to marry me seemed like an in the moment thing at the time, but I knew better. I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her the moment I looked into her eyes as she apologized. Helmet crooked on her head, bike laying on its side, and a nervous smile on her face.

Officially finding out she was my soulmate only made me want to jump to the moon. I never knew that I would ever find my soulmate and here she was finding me.

I focused back on the conversation that Alex was having with her sister and smiled. My hand found her thigh under the table and I lightly caressed it. Alura fussed again and Alex gave her back to Lena. Once her hands were free I grabbed one to hold and softly ran my thumb over her knuckles.

Alex leaned her head on my shoulder and it took everything in me not to start hovering off my seat.


What do y'all think of Unexpected? Already a little drama. Let me know what you guys think of last names! Danvers or Hunter? Or Danvers-Hunter? Hunter-Danvers? Super excited to tell Alex's story! Stay trashy raccoons!

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