Home Or So I thought

Start from the beginning

"No not really, only that Hermione and Ginny are standing outside the door waiting for us to come out". Draco tells us

"Yea we heard Ginny say "Your going to obliviate them right?" and Hermione responded saying "I wish I didn't have to but they know too much already".  So we don't know how we are going to get out of here". Harry says 

"Well we aren't at Hogwarts yet so we can still apparate with the help of Fred and George to another compartment". Ron suggests 

"That's actually a great idea". I can see a glint of hope maybe lust I'm not sure in Draco's eyes as he says this. 

"Well let's do it then". Fred says 

"Alright then, we all have to hold hands and what compartment number do we want to go to?" I ask everyone. 

"Well I know Dean, Seamus, Neville and Luna are in 34". Harry says 

"How do we know if we can trust them though?" Draco questions.

"Well they don't know we are coming into their compartment so we have the upper hand, we can can have our wands at ready for if they aren't trustable and if they are then we are gold". Harry replies to Draco. 

"Harry has a good point we do have the upper hand here and we don't know of any other compartments that could be potentially safe. So I say we go for it and if we have to fight them then we know we only have each other to trust". I point out. 

"OK lets go!" Harry says enthusiastically. I hold out my hand to him and my other to Fred, Fred grabs onto Draco's, Draco holds onto Ron's and Harry grabs Ron's other hand.  

"On the count of three everyone think about compartment 34". I tell everyone. 





  We appeared in front of Dean, Seamus, Luna and Neville, they looked startled. 

"What are you guys doing?" Luna asks

"Can we trust you?" Draco snarls at them. 

"Yes for them I'm not sure about you". Neville says with a worried look on his face.

"He is fine Neville, you can trust him". Ron states 

"How do we know if we can trust them though Ron?" Draco questions now looking scared now. 

"I have veritaserum in my bag". I tell them

"Why?" Fred asks me

"I was going to use it on Snape to see if he has been failing me on purpose". I admit.  Everyone laughs at my answer. 

"I'll take it, I've got nothing to hide". Dean pipes up. 

"Me too, I'll take it". Seamus says too

"We will as well". Luna speaks for both her and Neville.  I grab out the bottle I have, letting everyone take a sip. 

"Ok do any of you know that Dumbledore is planning to take over the wizarding world and that Hermione and Ginny are working for him?" Harry questions. They all say no in unison. 

Harry's POV:

"Alright great". I say as I walk over to the door so I can lock it, but  George beats me to it. I can feel the heat in my cheeks. I hope George doesn't notice; that would be a dead give-away.

"Ok so Ginny and Hermione are over at compartment 26, they don't know we left. Ron declares. He is sitting next to Draco pretty close and Draco isn't ticked by it at all. Weird

"So are we safe here? Neville questions.

"What do we do when we get to Hogwarts?" Luna pipes up

"Are we even safe at Hogwarts anymore now that we know". Dean asks Seamus nodding in agreement. I start to say something but Draco cuts me off.

"Everything will be alright, I know you don't think Voldemort is good. But he is, he was the one who tried to save Harry that night, not Dumblwhore. He feels horrible for not succeeding that night. Vold- Tom is a super nice guy I promise.  Anyways  I'm in full contact with him and I've called upon him to escort us from the train. He will be disguised as someone else, plus Hagrid has been informed about the Dumblewhore situation so he is also going to be looking out for us. As well as Severus. We have plenty of people helping us. I promise everything will be fine." I smile slightly at his speech of sorts. I look over at Ron who is smiling sheepishly with a slight red on his cheeks. I see what's going on now, Ron likes Draco. Ahhh this is so cute, I wonder if Draco likes him too. They were both cuddling very close together when sleeping. I watch them for a few more minutes trying to get any hints Draco likes him back. At last after like 10 minutes I see that Draco puts his hand on Ron's waist and squeezes gently. Which no one would have noticed unless they were staring at the two as intently as I was.  Once I see this I'm satisfied and listen back into the conversation. Which to my surprise has turned into a happy talk about summer break and Dean + Seamus' relationship progress. It's cute. I wish George and I were like that, but I don't think he is even gay or bi. And I don't want to be a burden. 

George's pov: 

I listen to everyone talking about their wonderful relationships and how they are doing great. I look over at Harry sitting there picking at his fingers. He looks sad. I bet I know why though. I walk over to him, sitting  next to him. 

"You look so sad, what's up Harr?" I ask 

"Oh uhm nothing, I'm fine. Just thinking". Harry responds 

"Whatcha thinkin bout?"  I question 

"Couples, and how they are so freaking cute". Harry admits. Uggg he is the cute one I wish he knew that. I wish he was mine, and that I could take care of him and hold him tight when he is upset.

"Harry?" I ask in a questioning tone. 

"Yea whats up?" Harry looks up at me.  I look around no one is paying attention to us, everyone is engrossed in their own conversations. I look back at Harry. He looks at me confused. 

"George? What are you thinking?" Harry asks. I lean forward slightly I see that Harry is leaning in too. Should I put my hand on his waist? What if he doesn't want anyone else to know about him being gay? Ahh I don't know what to do!!! I contemplate everything for a few minutes Fuck it!  I went for it. I put my hand on his waist, I pressed my lips against his. He kissed back!! It was so amazing. When he pulled away I noticed that the whole compartment got really quite. I looked at Harry who was blushing a deep red. I smile awkwardly at him. Then look back at everyone else. 

"What are you all looking at?" I ask to which they all laugh. 

"So is everyone in this compartment gay?" Draco speaks up making everyone laugh more ven Harry laughed. 

"I don't think Fred is gay" I tell him. Fred smiles from where he sat. After a while of more laughing and talking about random things as a group I turn back to Harry. 

"Sorry, that was awkward". I tell him

"No no it's ok, I enjoyed it". Harry blushed 

"Do you want to go out with me Harry?" I ask  

"Yes". He smiles widely. I smile back and wrap my arms around him. 

Authors notes I've added a bit but I'm at a brain stump I'll finish this up later love you all!!

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