Home Or So I thought

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Harry's pov: 

I wake up seeing George's head in my lap. I freak out internally, Oh my god he is sleeping on my lap. He looks so peaceful , I can't  believe it. I look around and notice everyone is asleep. Draco and Ron lying close together, I find it quite cute actually. And Fred is laying with his face against the window, which is pretty funny. I want to wake up Ron but if I move I'll wake up George. I sit still hoping that someone will wake up soon. And as if the heavens read my mind Fred wakes up after about 10 minutes of waiting. 

"Fred?" I say 

"Mmph". Fred replies 

"Can  I tell you something?" I ask 

"Yea sure". Fred says sleepily

"This is going to sound weird, but i-i like George". I tell Fred. I see his eyes get wide as he looks at me. 

"I support you, that's really cute". Fred responds then looks at George who is laying in my lap. 

"I want to tell him but I'm scared, plus isn't he still with Angelina?" I admit to Fred

"Don't be scared, and actually they broke it off last year so he is all yours". Fred tells me 

"Thank you Fred". I say. I look at Ron and Draco who are now holding onto each other. It's so cute. I feel George move. I freeze not wanting to wake him, but too late he is already awake. He looks up at me from my lap. 

"Good morning". I smile at him. his cheeks get a pink tint to them. 

"I'm sorry I didn't even know I'd fallen asleep on you". George rambles. 

"It's ok, I was asleep too". I say. George sits up. It gets quiet. 


(Fred and George twin telepathy) 

"George?" Fred says 

"What's up?" George replies

"Harry likes you too!" Fred admits 

"What makes you say that?" George asks 

"He told me, he's scared you'll reject him". Fred tells 

"Merlin's beard this is great, but now do I ask him out or do I wait for him to ask?" George asks excited.

"Well I think you should do for it but I'd wait at least a week though, but you should be extra close with him so he'll have his hopes high". Fred suggests. 

"Well I don't think I'll be able to last a week but I can try. Also how are you so good at giving dating advice, I've never seen you with a partner?" George questions.

"You can do it. I observe others relationships and I just haven't found the right person yet". Fred answers all George's questions. 

"You'll find your person". George tells Fred.

"You are devilishly handsome as a bonus". George taunts 

"You only say that cause we share the same face". Fred laughs

"What can I say we are a handsome pair". George laughs 


(Back in real life) George's pov:

I snap back into reality everyone is awake. 

"Sorry I zoned did I miss anything important?" I ask 

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