Finding Out

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Third person:

Ron was just about to apparate home when he heard a familiar voice, he decides to find out who it is. He walks around the corner where the voice is coming from. He see's Dumbledore talking with someone he can't tell who it is. He walks a little closer to see who he was talking to. He hides behind a corner wall near them. Dumbledore says:

"Yes I've got Harry wrapped around my finger, he has no idea what I'm doing. You and I'll be the rulers of the wizard world as soon as Harry kills Voldemort. " 

The person talking to him responds "Wonderful, I've been keeping and eye on Ronald as well he doesn't know about it either he follows Harry around like a lost dog.  I myself am acting as a normal student as you've asked me to Professor." 

Ron can't believe what he is hearing, he keeps listening. 

"Good job Ms. Granger, keep up your good work. Let me know if anything seems off with the two, also do you know why Ms. Weasley wasn't able to come today?" 

"Yes sir, as you know none of her family knows and she wasn't able to get away from her mother today." 

" Well alright will you inform Ms. Weasley of what we have talked about today." 

" Yes sir, I will do that." 

Then Ron hears their footsteps coming near. He decides to apparate back to his place so he doesn't get caught.  Once he is safely home he tries to process what he just heard. 

Ron's pov: 

I pace around my room thoughts running wild.

"How could he do that?" 

"Is this a joke?"

"I should tell Harry."

"How do I tell him though?"  

"I need to show Harry the truth."

"How could Ginny do this? "

I decide to not tell Harry yet he is in my kitchen. We go back to school in 3 days. That means I have three days to figure out what I'm going to do. And how I'm going to tell Harry.

Time skip(dinner at the Weasley's home) Ron's pov: 

I watch Ginny throughout dinner, I now notice just how hard Ginny is trying to get Harry to like her. She is sitting next to him and talking non-stop about everything and anything. Some things are just blurted out at random, she is acting as if she has never talked to another person ever. I wonder if this has something to do with Hermione, did she already tell her what she was talking about with Dumbledore? Harry looks at me with (get me out of here) eyes. I ask my mum if I can be excused, she says yes. Harry then asks if he can be excused as well. We meet in the kitchen to put our plates away.  After we head up to my room. After we shut the door Harry asks me 

"What's up with Ginny?" "She was acting so strange."

I respond "Yea I noticed that, I think she likes you."  Harry looks at the ground like he is embarrassed, does he like her too.  I hope not she is a terrible person. Then Harry says

"Can I tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." 

"Of course mate, you can tell me anything." I say smiling at him and hoping he isn't gonna tell me that he likes Ginny.  

"I like George." Harry whispers 

"Oh that's cool mate." I sigh with relief that he doesn't like Ginny but I did not expect that. 

"Your not upset, or weirded out by that?" Harry questions nervously 

"No, not at all. I am bi actually." I admit 

"Wow cool. I was scared you would be grossed out or think it is weird." Harry tells me. 

"I understand that, I'm scared to tell the others for the exact same reason. But I don't think you should tell Hermione, she has said she doesn't approve of our kind of people." I lie to Harry because if she finds out something like that it could mess with her plan.  And i don't want to see what she will do. 

"Oh that's good to know. I won't tell her." Harry tells me 

"Ok." I reply. Just as Harry was about to say something else Fred and George apparate into the room. 

"What are you two talking about???" George questions

"Nothing really." Harry answers 

"Aw why won't you tell us??" Fred whines 

"Because it's none of your business." I say to both of them


"Fine" Fred and George say at the same time. Harry looks sad, but i guess I'm not the only one who notices because George says

"What's up Harry? You look sad." 

"Oh I do, I'm not, I'm fine." Harry mumbles. I can tell he isn't fine though, I think George notices too. 

George says "Alright then,  we will leave you two alone now then." Then both Fred and George apparate out of the room. 

"What wrong mate?" I ask immediately "What are you thinking about?"  

"Nothing I swear, I'm fine." Harry tells me

"Ok" I say

Authors note: 

Ok so this end of this is kinda boring and uneventful. I didn't know what to write I've got a bit of writer's block. But I promise the next chapter will be full of fun and won't be so boring.  Let me know what  you think. And remember I love you all and i hope your day/night/afternoon is going well!! ♥

Lies and Secrets (Draco x Ron) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang