Jiro: *Blushes* R-Really? You mean it?

(YN): Totally! And hey, don't be afraid, I know you can pull this off and make everyone smile with your awesome music, hell I hope you make me smile too when I see you guys perform, and see you singing and playing as well.

Jiro: Hehe...well yeah...I've worked so hard and yet, I think I feel ready for tomorrow. I can't wait as well.

Jiro was getting flustered and yet, smiling as well, knowing (YN) was always nice, kind, and sweet for her...

(YN): So, what is that you wanted to tell me?

Jiro: O-Oh. I uh...nothing. Nothing at all...

Jiro didn't wanted to tell him early...she decided to wait for tomorrow, she knew that she wanted to know so bad about who he wanted to perform for, and confront her feelings towards him...but still, she has to wait for tomorrow...so all she can say with a smile...

Jiro: Thanks (YN). I needed that. I-

Jiro suddenly notice (YN) hugging her as Jiro blushes and yet (YN) telling him...

(YN): You'll do your best. I believe in you.

Jiro soon to blush still, and yet smile, feeling happy to have (YN)'s arms around her, so she warps her arms around as well as she smiles and says...

Jiro: Yeah, I'll do my best...for you.

Soon afterwards having a little moment together, they soon said goodnight each other, head to their dorms and have sleep for tomorrow's big day...


The next day morning, it was 8:28am as (YN) was already on the hardware store as he was getting a new spate of rope for the special effects, soon after, (YN) exited the hardware store as he now got the rope soon walking down back to UA already...

(YN): Rope acquired. Hehe. I should make it back in time already.

As he starts walking back to UA, he yet started to think about last night, when he was talking to Jiro, knowing that Jiro did had something to say to him, but then again, she had forgotten??

(YN): I can tell she wanted to tell me something...but she bother not to. Was...she trynna tell me something?? Is it...the fact that she also has a thing-

Suddenly, he then bumped into a grown man, wearing a short black sun hat, wearing a mask as well, sun glasses, and yet a coat, alongside with a small female person with a purple sun hat, purple sun glasses and a purple coat as well....and yet she has red hair and the man has gray hair...and what (YN) doesn't know is that this man and female is none other than Gentle Criminal and La Brava...and yet...it was 8:30am...

(YN): O-Oh shit. Sorry.

Gentle: Do be careful lad. You almost ruined the aftertaste of the Gold Tips Imperial. A travesty I will not to be ignore. *Drat! He caught me off guard! Not good! Why did I open my mouth?! I just avoid all contact and route to the school!* Alrighty then, let's go La Br-I mean, Honey.

La Brava: Honey? Oh right! Yes, I'm your honey!

(YN): *Wait. Did he said Gold Tips? Oh right. The fancy stuff Momo made for us last night.* Heh. Interesting. If you just had tea I guess that house is kinda like a café.

Gentle Criminal: *What?!*

La Brava: *Gentle!?*

Gentle Criminal started walking towards (YN)...

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