Mischief POV:

We are there for what seems like another 2 hours. We sat in silence for most of it apart from the occasional talk between me and Beks or her throwing a snide comment at Elena. "Stefan?" Elena croaks. "What happened?" Stefan asks voiced laced with worry. "I'm out of time. I need blood. Im dying." Elena says causing Stefan to stiffen. "Hey! Anyone. Hey!" Stefan shouts causing me to groan. "Will you shut up?" Rebekah groans. "Do you think we're afraid of you?" Stefan shouts ignoring Beks. "You want more vervain? Keep it down " A guard says when he enters. "Listen to me Elena's gonna die if you dont let her out." Stefan says causing the guard to look over at Elena before looking back to Stefan. "Sorry. Not my problem." The guard states causing me to grin but Stefan keeps his scowl on his face. "She's innocent. Let her out." Stefan says. The guard just walks away but before he can leave Stefan speeds closer to him "I said let her out!" He shouts causing the guard to shoot him before leaving. Stefan rolls on the floor in pain while I just roll my eyes at him.

3rd POV:

Ivan and Lucy pull up behind Damon and follow behind him on foot. "So what we just storm the place with no plan?" Ivan asks Damon since this was his idea. "We dont need a plan. Just bait." He says before lunging at Lucy and biting into her neck. "Yoohoo. Anybody home. 2 big bad vampires out here." As Damon speaks the pastor opens the door and begins to walk out. "Let her go. The girls innocent." He says causing Ivan to roll his eyes at the statement. "Well that's the point. Give me the 4 vampires you have in there and shes all yours. Cmon, pastor. You know I'll kill her. I want to kill her." Damon says reluctantly agreeing to ask for the release of the two Originals. "Go away. You are not invited in. And I'm not coming out." The pastor says before Damon gets shot from somewhere causing Ivan to pick up Lucy and take her somewhere safe.

Back at the cages two guards can be seen getting ready to leave. While arming themselves. Rebekah and Stefan make eye contact before nodding. "Excuse me? Hello sir." Rebekah groans before coughing. "Thought I told you to shut up." The guard snaps causing Mischief to let out a growl. "Heres the thing. My family, we have money. Castles, apartments, jewellery. Just name your price and let me out." Rebekah says causing the guard to walk close and Mischief to smirk in triumph. "I'd much rather watch you die." The guard states. Rebekah speeds forward and snaps at the guard causing him to jump back in fright. This gives Stefan the chance to grab him and continuously slam his head into the bars, killing him and dropping him in front of Elena's cage. "Elena. Elena." Stefan begs urging Elena to get some blood. Elena struggles to reach the blood before grabbing some and drinking it. Her face instantly gains colour.

Back outside 2 guards can be seen rushing to Damons location as he plays dead. As the two guards stand over him. One kicks him causing Damon to speed up and grab one while Ivan speeds through and grabs another. They kill the guards. After a few minutes Mischief and Rebekah come speeding out and Lucy and Ivan instantly wraps Mischief in a hug. Lucy release before hugging Bekah shortly. "Sorry I left." Ivan says solemnly. "You didn't have a choice." Mischief says causing Ivan to look at him confused. "I compelled you. I know I said I would never but your life was on the line so I had too. Plus if I didn't Stiles wouldn't have had so much fun." At that last sentence Lucy paled before rushing back and grabbing Mischief. "What do you mean Stiles?" She asked worriedly. "Oh that ye. Erm. When Ivan left I released Stiles and he killed a lot of the guards. Luckily Beks was there so he went back." Mischief admitted rubbing the back of his neck. Ivan laughed before wrapping an arm around Mischief and Lucy "Lets forget about Stiles for now and go back to the mansion."

Mischief POV:

As the four of us enter the house we see Klaus I smile before walking over and clapping him on the shoulder, "Glad your back mate." I say. He smiles but before he can respond Rebekah storms in and his face drops. "How dare you save Caroline over me?" She shouts. "Hello, brother. I thought you were dead. So pleased you're not." Klaus responds sarcastically. "You left me." Rebekah says glaring at Klaus. "I only had time to save one, and you cant be killed. Rest assured, I had a worse day than you. I think it's time for us to move on. Find us some more werewolves." Klaus says causing me to sigh in defeat. "So you can create your hybrid family? You don't know anything about family." Rebekah shouts now in tears causing me to move closer to her. "Well I know how easily they can be silenced with a dagger." Klaus says causing me to growl protectively. Rebekah grabs one of the blood bags and throws it. Splattering against the wall. "Drop them." Klaus orders. "I mourned you. My heart broke thinking I'd never see you again." Rebekah confessed still holding the remaining blood. "Put the blood down Rebekah. Theres a good girl." Klaus says. "It's always been me. Not Finn, not Elijah, not Kol. Me. I loved you through everything and you dont care." Rebekah exclaims. "Drop it!" Klaus screams. "You want your family? Heres your family." Rebekah says squeezing the bag so they pour open. Klaus speeds forward trying to grab Rebekah but Mischief pushes him away. "You know Rebekah, you're right. I dont care. From this moment on, you're not my family, you're not my sister. You are nothing." Klaus says before walking out. As we here the front door slam Rebekah drops to the floor in tears and I cradle her in my arms as she cries.

The 3rd trio member had been introduced.


Min elskade = my love
Min far. = my sire
Din kælling = you bitch

Once again any feedback is greatly appreciated and thanks for reading.

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