chapter 2 on the road

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(y/n)'s point of view 

'it's been four hours scene i left and its getting dark. maybe i should stop for the night and eat something.' i think as i go off the road a bit to set up camp. 'now that i found a good spot for camp i'm going to need fire wood, some rocks to keep the fire in one place, and a couple of sticks to put the food on.' i think trying to keep every thing organized so i don't have to find anything later. after a while i got the wood and the sticks i also unpacked and unsaddle the horse and got ready for dinner. 'okay lets get the food out and lets get cooking.' i think as i go to grab the good bag i hear the bushes rustle a bit so i grad my swords instead of the food. "jafar i see a fire over there. i think someones there lets go look!!" i hear a mans voices so i quietly walk over to the shadows of the bushes with out sound and disappear into the shadows. 

i see an boy with long purple hair walk over to my fire but as i'm fixing to move i see five more people follow him over to my stuff. 'damn how many are there lets see there's the purple haired guy. then there's the one with the white hair look to be a kid, then there's the guy with pink or is it red hair, another guy with white hair , a girl with blue hair. that look to be all of them.' i think as i try and think of my next move. "i could have sworn that there was a person over here." the purple haired one says "your right sin i don't think someone would leave there horse and fire behind." the youngest one says. "yeah" is all the pink haired says. "maybe if we look around i see some really good looking food in that bag right there. i don't think they will mind me eating there food." the guy with the white hair and a sword says. 'not my food' i think and move with out a sound to that shadows of each person. once i'm close enough i take out my swords and soundlessly move in to the one that is taking my foods shadow. 

once i'm in his shadow i put both of my swords on ether sides of his neck. "uuummm i think i found the person that owns this camp." he says in a shaky voice. "what do yo....oh now i see" youngest one says. "WHOA WERE DID YOU COME FROM" the purple haired one yells. "you know its not good to hold a swordsmen and sword point." the one trying to take my food says and quickly pulls away and draws his sword. but by the time he turns around i swipe his sword out of his hand and disappear in to the shadows again. "WHERE DID THEY GO THERE JUST GONE" the one trying to fight me yells "they've been trained to be stealthy like when i was an assassin." the youngest one says 'i don't think there here to hurt me. i think they are just curious as to why i'm out here in the middle of no where camping'  i think and step out and raise my swords a bit and put them away and slowly walk over to my food bag. "hey do you talk?" the girl with blue hair ask me 'nod' "are you going to talk to us?" the youngest guy ask 'shake' "why not?" the guy that was trying to fight ask 'shrug' "maybe we should introduces our selves." the guy with purple hair says "then will you talk with us?" the girl with blue hair ask. 'shake' but be for they could ask or say anything else i grab a stick and wright on the ground. 'you can introduce your selves. but i don't like talking. i don't know who you are or who you work for' i wright on the ground and they nod. 

"oh okay i got you. well i'll go first i'm sinbad" the guy with purple hair says 'nod'. "i'll go second i'm yamraiha." the girl with blue hair says 'nod'.  "i'm jafar, its a pleasure to meet you." the youngest guy says 'nod'. "i'm sharrkan the best swordsmen all around" the guy that tried but failed to fight me says 'shake' "what do you mean no i would have beaten you!!" he yells and i just look at the last person. "i'm masrur" the pink haired says 'nod' after he goes i grab the stick again and wright on the ground 'nice to meet you all but i don't what people to know me. i have a mission to complete now that i'm able to.' i wright "could you tell us what that is?" jafar ask 'i'm going after al thamen for killing my family they are going to pay for taking them a way from me.' i wright on the ground. "we'er trying to stop them too, but you can't do it by yourself come with us and we will help you. i'm trying to create a new world where there is no poverty and no slavery. a place were everyone is treated fairly." sinbad says and i can see the rukh flying around him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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