chapter 1 al thamen

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(y/n)'s point of view

it all started after they killed my family the only people that i cared about and all the family i had. even if they did take me off the streets. after those people killed my family i started to training getting good at fighting with two swords. after some time i had found out about dungeons and about the boy that captured the first one. 

But that's not my priority, But what is it?

 It's to get revenge on Al-thamen for killing my family. 'but first i need to get some armor that covers my identity. just in case Al-thamen is after me' i think as i get on a wagon that's going in to town.

Once we got to town i got off the wagon and paid the drivers for the ride. I go to the blacksmith shop, that's were i work for now until i can get my armor and swords built.

 "ah (y/n) perfect timing i just finished your swords." the owner john says to me, john has been like a father to me sence my family was killed he took me in a few years after they died. John well he's and older man about 6 foot 4, built muscles form forging wepons. he has soem salt and pepper hair that goes in to a small poiny tail, pared with some stubble on his chin covering his strong jaw line.  

"Really do you mind if i try them to see how the handles feel?" I ask "of course their in that box right there on the counter. The sheaths for them on in the box too." he says and goes back to working on some odds and ends. 

i walk over to the box and open it, to see two beautiful swords with the sun on one and the moon on the other. i pick them up and walk out side where we have a practice place set up. 

once i get to the practice area i get in to a fighting stance, putting my legs and feet a part to get good balance. i bend my left arm and holds the moon sword up. and cross the sun blade just behind the moon blade. i lunge for the target spinning around and hitting the side of the target with the moon blade, i jump and spin kicking the target back knocking it over and stabbing it with the sun blade.   

 'these are too good. i love them now just to get the armor finished then i can go.' i think as i put them in the black sheaths, put them back in to the box and get to work. 

(a/n these are what the swords look like)

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(a/n these are what the swords look like)

after the sun had set we closed the shop,  i stay after to work on my armor. 'i am almost done with it. once i'm done i will head for the reim empire and start looking there for any signs of al-thamen there.' i think as i finish up with the legs of the armor. 'i guess i will have to finish tomorrow. But after that i will be leaving here and getting my revenge' i think putting my armor away in the box i had it in under the counter, and leave for the night to go home only to do the same posses tomorrow.

time skip the next day 

i have been at the shop all day working on all sorts of stuff but i'm just ready to finish my armor so i can get out of here. "hey (y/n) you okay you keep spacing out on me?" the john ask me. "well once i'm done working on my armor tonight i will be leaving for the reim empire." i say to him and look down. I've really grown to like it here. "you know its good to get out and adventure but just promise me that you will some back and visit me every now and then" he says to me. "i will i won't forget you john, you've been like a father to me i could never for get you." i say to him giving him a hug. "okay now let get to work on your armor so you can get on the road before dark. it will be good if you can get to a port early." john says going to get my armor out from under the counter and helps me finish working on it.

(a/n you armor look kinda like this but you put a bandage around your chest so you kinda look like a man but your actually a women)

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(a/n you armor look kinda like this but you put a bandage around your chest so you kinda look like a man but your actually a women)

"well now that's finished go, get ready. i'll go an get the horse ready for you." john says, i nod in response. as i'm getting ready i put some bandage around my chest so its makes my boobs look almost  flat and i put the rest of the armor on. once i'm done i go out to see john has got his horse ready with some food and blankets. 

"john this is your horse i can't just take it, this is all to much for me you have already done enough for me." i say to him but he just shakes his head. "no your are going to need more money when you get to reim so when you get to the port sell the horse and get the money for it." he say but i just shake my head no, trying to argue with him.

"now i mean it you take this horse and you get going, your going to need the money." at this point i can't argue and take the horse. "i'll be seeing you john take care." i say to him "you too i'll miss you and all your help around the shop." he says i wave to him as i ride away to the nearest port.

(a/n im going to be editing any and all chapters of this book this is one of the first books that i wrote and need to be edited. so i'm going to be working on that soon but i did this first chapter.  :)  P.s let me know if something doesn't make scene i will try and fix it as soon as i can. 

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