The Therapy Incident: How Harleen Became Insane

Comincia dall'inizio

Wondergirl: *sees everyone and whispers* Pssst! Over here

Supergirl: MY FOOD!!!

Batgirl: *drags her* Where do we go?

Superman: *walks out of the door*

Nightwing: Hide! He's coming! *dives into a dumpster*

Supergirl and Batgirl: *hide in random boxes*

Robin: Uhhh... *parkours onto the roof*

Wondergirl: *hides behind Nightwing's dumpster*

Superman: SUPERGIRL!!!! I SAW YOU!!!! *goes towards the mall*

Nightwing: *comes out covered in trash* Here's a tip: don't hide in dumpsters *pulls off trash*

Robin: *jumps down* What now?

Wondergirl: *shrugs* Don't know

Batgirl: *climbs out of her box* Let's go to....NARNIA!!!!

Nightwing: -_-' I say we go to the Hobo's park

Wondergirl: Isn't he in jail?

Robin: I doubt it,Batman was probably too "distracted" to arrest him

Wondergirl: Alrighty then

Batgirl: *smoke bombs everyone to the Hobo's park*

Wondergirl: Wait...doesn't this mean that the Hobo is a troll?

Batgirl: Let's ask him! HOBO!!!!!


Nightwing: -_-' He's sleeping *points to the sleeping Hobo*

Supergirl: *pours water on him* Get up!

Hobo: WHAT THE *this word has been removed*

Nightwing: *covers Batgirl and Robin's ears* LANGUAGE!!!!!

Hobo: Oh,uh,sorry...

Wondergirl: *sneaks away when no one is looking*

Supergirl: Are you a troll?

Hobo: Excuse me? I'm NOT a troll,thank you very much

Supergirl: Then why do you live under a bridge?

Hobo: Because my house was blown up by....wait a minute.... *stares at Batgirl*

Nightwing: *runs away with Batgirl and Robin*

Hobo: GET BACK HERE YOU *this word has been removed* !!!!!!

Supergirl:  You smell

Nightwing: Gives Robin and Batgirl to Wondergirl and runs back to Supergirl*

Wondergirl: *throws them in a taxi* HURRY!!!! I HEAR BATMAN IN THE DISTANCE!!!

Hobo: YOU *this word has been removed*

Nightwing: *throws Supergirl in the taxi and gets in* DRIVE DRIVER DRIVE!!!!

*Taxi speeds off*

Batman & Hobo: *in the distance* GET BACK HERE!!!!!!

Wondergirl: *to driver* LOSE HIM!!! Wait a look look like....

Batgirl: SLIM SHADY!!!

Nightwing: *facepalms* Really?

Slim Shady: I'm the real Slim Shady

Wondergirl: I'm a big fan :)

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