"And if you don't want it to happen to anyone else..."

I don't say anything to that. Instead I give my attention back to the beautiful night.

"Hey I wanted to ask...was it Tuesday night? Your sisters came because of...yeah." I gulp nervously, not used to this kind of conversation with him. "Are...are you okay? I don't wanna pry...I just..." I rub the nape of my neck awkwardly.

"I'm alright. I'm already used to this, sadly. I just worry about the girls," he faces me. "Thank you for letting them stay with you."

"Of course. Really, anytime. It's not a problem for me since I live alone," I laugh drily.

"Do you miss them?"

I assume he means my parents. I look up thoughtfully and nod. "A lot. I may vocally complain a lot about my place being a study room or hangout area, but I really like it that way. I wake up in the middle of the night and compared to day time, it's so dark and empty...please don't tell anyone that. I don't want them to worry."

He tilts his head to the side. "And what makes you think I won't?"

I turn to him in shock, but he is calm. He waits for me patiently while holding the eye contact.

"I-I...Considering our past...?" I remind him.

He claps his hands and I jump. "Oh right." He smiles sheepishly. "Sorry."

I wave my hand dismissively and then put them behind me to lean on for support. This time I look up. The sky is clear; no clouds, no stars. Just a mass of darkness.

"I miss this. Going out with the others and laying here till sunrise," he yawns.

The corners of my mouth turn up. "Remember that time Renjun fell asleep and then we set an alarm and hid behind the trees."

He grins. "God he was so angry."

I stretch out and lie down on the soft, trimmed grass.

"I wanna see stars. It's so dark up there," I pout.

"Living in the city has its downsides. Maybe you should go hiking," he suggests.

"Oh," I say remembering my trip for Taehyun's birthday. "I went hiking with Beomgyu and his friends. We didn't stay overnight, but we started before the sun came up so there were a few stars out."

"Was this last Saturday?"

"Yeah," I yawn while allowing my eyes to rest. "Taehyun has the same birthday as Jisung.

"You know, I never knew till last week how little I knew about Beomgyu...he writes songs...I knew he enjoys music, but not to that extent...

"It really made me think about everyone else I'm friends with. Are they just my friend and I'm not theirs? I really don't have much to offer."

Someone stop me I'm opening up to Na Jaemin.

I open my eyes and peer at him. "Sorry, I tend to ramble when I'm tired..."

He doesn't say anything and instead mimics my position. "There's a reason they all care about you, and it's definitely not because you aren't a good person to them."

I shift my head so I can see him better. The very faint light of a faraway lamppost makes for a dramatic effect and he looks...

I readjust my position and stare back up while my mind is teeming with all kinds of emotions. Not only from the events of today, but what I feel now...in these moments.

And I don't think it's hate.


"Hmm?" he hums.

"Thank you."


"Hey Beomgyu," I greet as I take my seat in front of him.

He immediately pouts. "Hyung..."

Tears begin rolling down his cheeks and I have to get up to console him. I move to his side of the table and rub his back soothingly.

"I feel like such a horrible friend. How could I just not know?" he sobs. "Did you talk? Is she okay?"

I sigh. "Worried...she–"

He looks at me in surprise. "So you talked?"

I roll my eyes. "Anyway, she's really anxious about Monday. I think what's really weighing on her mind is the fear that he'll find out we know."

Beomgyu's jaw clenches. "That piece of crap. I'm so ready to run to his room first thing tomorrow and–"

"No," I say sternly and he frowns.

"What? Hyung we need to do something. We can't just let this go on!"

"Yun doesn't want anyone to know. Not yet at least."

He shakes his head furiously. "No! So what? Are we just gonna let this go on?"

"Of course not. She already agreed that she'd be around one of us the whole time she's on campus." I leave out the part where I included walking her home. It's not integral to the conversation.

He looks unconvinced. "So we're just gonna leave him be? What if he runs off? Does it to other people?"

I place my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "Look, we can worry about that later. Right now our priority is Yun and her safety. We just need to make sure she is okay. Okay?"

He studies my face with squinted eyes. "Are you guys friends now?" he says with a teasing smile.

I look away and shrug. "Honestly I have no idea."

He leans forward. "How can you have no idea?"

"I mean we talked? But...well...it was so strange. We barely mentioned our relationship and...it was so natural, which felt weird. Everything was so unfiltered and genuine. After all these years no one would expect that...It was easy to be around her and–what's with the face?"

Beomgyu has a look of satisfaction. "Nothing," he lies. "It's nothing," he winks and raises his hand so we can order stuff.

I scoff as he gives the waiter our order. "Yeah right, come on. Let it out."

He considers me for a few moment and then leans back with his arms crossed. He grins widely. "Ever since the beginning I've shipped the two of you together."

"Shipped?!" We get stares from other people and I apologize. I turn back to Beomgyu for an explanation. "How could you even think that?"

"Just a feeling."

"But you knew we hated each other right?" I clarify.

He nods. "Oh yes. And I think that both of your trash talk is the perfect way to show that you guys care."

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