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Chapter ten: death at dawn

Chapter ten: death at dawn

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For it was not
into my ear
you whispered,
but into my heart.

It was not
my lips
you kissed,
but my soul.

-Judy Garland



In the days that followed, Seokjin launched a brutal campaign to find Taehyung and his gang, but to no avail.

Jisoo and I led His Majesty to the campsite, but it had been cleared out.

The only thing left were the makeshift oven, and the fire pit where we'd all sang and danced together. Where Taehyung had asked me if he could have me.

Seokjin devoted most of his time to pursuing Taehyung, neglecting his other duties as the kingdom's monarch.

He interrogated me for information, anything that would help him track his enemy. It had been painful to answer the king's questions.

Aside from what kind of weapons they used, I had little pertinent knowledge to aid him. All I'd done while in captivity was hunt and swim and fight and rob a carriage. And fall in love.

When His Majesty no longer had use for me, he gave me back my sister Lisa. The guards escorted her to my chamber, and she pushed past them and sprinted into my arms. "Luna!"

"Lisa!" I clung to her so tight, furious about the dark circles under her eyes and the way she trembled. She'd been terrified and alone.

We crept into my bed. Amid the glow of candlelight, I stroked her fine blond hair, breathed in her scent, and relished the feeling of her arms around me. She wept and told me the whole story, how she'd been taken from home and brought here, how she'd been confined to a room in another part of the palace.

The only indication that she'd been harmed was the bandage on her hand. They'd cut off her bracelet and sliced her palm in order to stain it with blood as a warning to me.

Our father was on his way to the kingdom Initially, he'd been threatened not to come to the palace if he wanted his daughters to live.

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