"yeah i noticed that," i looked at hazel. "but i thought she hated kids?"

"she does?" robin's eyes widened.

"alright kids, one last water break and we're almost done! you may take some rest for a few minutes." the kids cheer as hazel slid towards our way.

"you alright from the fall, haz?" robin chuckled.

"yeah but not to worry," she dusted off her trousers. "tis but a scratch." hazel then re-did her hair tie as she got out of the rink. "so rodrick, i see you are earlier than usual. more earlier than attending to first period in school."

"oh shut up you," i rolled my eyes, making nora chuckle. "i'm surprised you still managed to wake up early for this after last night."

"bold of you to assume that i sleep." she shook her head. "i rarely sleep longer than 3 hours."

"is that why your eyebags are always visible?" robin questioned.

"i don't know, maybe." she shrugs, leaning on the side of the rink. "genetically, i already have these eyebags before i even started sleeping late because of insomnia. i look hot having them though, makes me look like a sleepless vampire."

"hey wait a minute, what do you mean about last night? don't tell me both of you did something dirty." he shuddered at the thought, making me laugh.

"oh yeah we definitely did something dirty," hazel said in a sarcastic manner. "rodrick stepped on dog shit then stepped on my boot last night. thanks for that, rodrick. now i'm stuck into wearing docs again."

"hey i said i was sorry! in fact, it wasn't dog shit, it was just mud!" i groaned. hazel shook her head then checked the time from her watch.

"oop and...i'll be back in a few minutes, i just gotta wrap things up before you and i can go. can you wait?" hazel asked.

"of course, i won't go anywhere." i leaned on my hand as hazel got into the skating rink.

"robin, would you mind look over rodrigo for a moment?" she yelled as she got to the middle.

"not to worry, i'll babysit this guy for ya!" robin shouted back, gesturing at me. "where are you guys going after this?"

"oh we're just going to the diner on the other side of the road and grab some lunch there." i responded.

robin sat on one of the benches near us. "if you're trying to impress hazel so you could date her, believe me, you won't succeed."

"oh no, i wasn't trying to be with her." i crossed my arms. "i'm really just trying to be friends with her. she might be the one who wants to date me though. i mean, did you notice the way she acts around me?"

"what, being sarcastic and lowkey passive aggressive?" he scoffed and shook his head. "i hate to break it to you man, but she really just normally acts that way."

"or...does she?" i smirked.

after a few more minutes, hazel eventually finished teaching the children then let them roll out of the rink one by one.

"alright kiddos listen up, if your guardians aren't here to pick you up yet, you may stay on any of the tables near robin over there." hazel instructed as she got out of the rink. "do you mind babysitting a few more kids, rob?"

𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐋 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋! | rodrick heffley/devon bostickWhere stories live. Discover now