Start from the beginning

They looked much younger than i was, their similar spaghetti strap crop tops and mom jeans and Adidas were proof of that. "Ewww" they collectively mocked, laughing with each other as their eyes followed me. "He could like do so much better" oh my god am i getting bullied by school girls.

I couldn't help but laugh on the inside, sure it's fucking annoying to hear that. High school girls are ruthless, but this level of confidence to stand there and openly insult an adult is impressive i gotta say.

"Hey girls, done shopping?" Liam's friendly demeanor was like the bright sunlight blessing us with his presence. Driving his arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"Oh my god it's Liam he's so fucking hot" their supposed mumbling, grew louder with their excitement, the girls swooning over the heir of Eagle publishings. "Ew why's he with her"

Wow they're relentless, making sure i hear their insults word for word.

Erika and Rhiannon stopped on their tracks, their gaze following mine. "Hey, don't you little broke gremlins have homework to get to?" Erika called out, tilting her head so as to mock the girls, who's eyes were wide and figures turned to stone.

Without a second to spare they hurried off one by one cowering away. "Little shits" Rhiannon muttered, rolling her eyes. I don't think I've ever witnessed something this hilarious and so on brand from the girls. The last time being Rhi kicking the shit out of James after breaking off his and Adam's fight in the middle of campus grounds.

"I'm surprised you didn't say anything, you love comebacks" Liam whispered to me, as the four of us walked towards Erika's beloved Prada store. "I don't know, felt like a waste of my breath, also reaaaaally funny to see how I got these minors so bothered with just my existence" i pursed my lips, shaking my head.

I knew people know who the kings are, but I've never seen anyone interact or even point out their knowledge of the Kings so specifically as these girls did. "These middle school and high school girls are stupidly in love with Adam it's annoying and insane" Erika groused, taking out a pair of heels, scanning the soles and the size of the heel, gesturing the sales assistant for her size.

My brows knitted, the idea of Adam having fangirls crushing on him is something I can't seem to comprehend inside my brain. It's absolutely hilarious and fucking wild to me. Wow i feel mildly special and maybe a little worried for my safety, didn't know i was dating a backstreet boy.

"Yeah we used to get like fucking letters and flowers Delivered to the kings room so fucking much for the boys. I mean we still do sometimes, it's just now the address for delivery to the Kings is changed to somewhere else online"

Oh well that makes sense. I can vaguely remember Adam tossing out flowers outside of our apartment and whatever that comes with it, right out the window or to the garbage without giving it a second thought, disgruntled and annoyed at the mere sight of the beautiful bouquets. I always assumed it was from prospective business partners or companies, but this? This is even funnier.

"These girls are wild, like what is the appeal in any of these men?" Rhiannon sighed, tying her hair into a bun in preparation to try out a dress, as Erika strutted back and forth inside the store, trying out her new heels, which I'm pretty sure she is going to buy.

"You know I'm right here" Liam exhaled deeply, shaking his head as he watched the girls busy themselves inside the store, seated right next to me. His arm placed over the headrest behind my head.

"Where's my stupid boyfriend by the way?" Rhiannon puzzled, the only other missing member in this store being Edward.

"Taking a piss probably" Liam sighed, clearly exhausted from his antics. He gently turned his gaze to me, a warm smile plastered across his face.

"You're not gonna shop are you?" He whispered, his ocean blue eyes peering into mine. Stare too much into them, one could feel as if they'd get lost in them, drown in the vast blue sea, loosing all track of time and their senses. His eyes had that effect, it was magnetic. You stare into them too much, you forget where the conversation was heading. No thoughts inside your head, just soft blue eyes staring back at you.

"Uh-what?" I shook my head, trying to rid away his magnetic gaze. "Are you gonna shop here?" Brows widened, his head leaned forward, his tone soft and endearing almost.

"Nope, i already have what i need" i could feel goosebumps rise on my skin with how close he was seated next to me yet again, but he seemed nonchalant with his arm over the headrest behind me, turning his attention back to the girls, cracking jokes with them here and there. Is this his new normal?

"You wanna head out? I don't think they'll notice" he whispered to me, his attention still on the girls. "Rhiannon will kill me" we chuckled, the thought of how overly dramatic they get for the smallest thing. "That's all the more fun"

When the fuck did he get so daring? Liam from a year ago would silently shop with Edward while he overpowered him with his never ending conversation about random man things. He would come talk to us and be on his merry way. But now? He's just... so out there. And I'm guessing its gonna take me a while to get used to this because every time he proposes something so out of the blue, it always surprises the shit out of me.

"What like now?" I looked up at the girls, who was extremely distracted checking out shoes and handbags, taking their sweet time to find the perfect item that matches their aesthetic. 

Liam's warm hand snaked itself over to grip mine. Gesturing that i follow his lead.

Slowly getting up from the couch, with my palm cradled in his, he gave me a wink. "We're just gonna check something out" he announced, which seemingly went past the girls as they did not even hint at Liam's words. Erika striding to the back with yet another dress draped over her arm, while Rhiannon was busily chatting away on her phone, caressing atop of a handbag.

Shrugging, Liam tugged at my arm, leading me outside the store. "Where do you want to go?" He asked, giving me a toothy grin. Why does it feel like we just escaped from a high guarded prison? I enjoy the mall time with my girls but I have no idea why getting out the Prada store felt as exciting as it did with Liam.

"I'm feeling subway, I'm hungry" i smiled sheepishly. "S-what?" I knitted my brows, a confused expression on my face as i watched Liam stare back at me with an equally confused expression. "You've eaten at subway before right? You know what subway is?" My eyes widened, a surprised smile form on my lips.

"No and yes" he pursed his lips, driving a hand over his short hair. Of course his rich bitch ass haven't eaten at subway before. I'm far too jaded to even be shocked at this fact.

"Subway it is then"

The two of us exited the mall from the 'secret back', a pathway made just for the Kings in case they need to make a sudden exit separated from other people. By other people i mean the literal general fucking public. Like I said, I'm jaded now.

I felt an all too familiar feeling dawn on me as we both got walked together, we're hanging out together as we used to before. It was always the Goodman's mostly, or his little stargazing spot. But it feels as if i was back in time again, being in his company.

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