chapter 2

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Me:yello I hope you enjoy (the diamonds ⬆️)


Hours later I showed up to the party. There i watched steven and his dad sing together as a fusion.

Is funny because steven always said he wanted to fuse with me but..... he said he could never do it. Kind of sad honestly but it's fine. I'm happy to sit back and watch him from the side lines as he plays with his family.

I was standing in the back looking at my feet trying to force a smile after I turned to Sadie and Lars both of which glares at me. Of course.... I'm not wanted here I should go.

As I turn around to leave a gem with a heart on his chest bumps into me right outside the door.

I look down at him with a worried look as I hold my hand out" oh my gosh I'm so sorry I wish have been watching where I was walking" the pink gem looks at me with tears in his eyes.  Oh no i hope I didn't hurt him. Can gems get hurt?

I hurry and bend down and check him"oh my, did I hurry you? I'm so sorry please don't cry!!" The gems justblinks at me as I pull him up and check him for injures.  The gem grabs my hand and gently puts it down"it's okay I'm fine.... what's your name?"

I smile happy he isn't hurt. I place my hands on me chest and give him a closed eye smile"oh my bad. My name is y/n"

The gem smiles and hands my hand "hi y/n my name is spinel" I giggle and grip his hand before I stop smiling and I give him a worried look "spinel are you okay why were you crying?" Spinel looks down trading up again. 

Oh crap I shouldn't have asked before I can apologize he spoke"i started to feel so.yhing familiar....something sad"i nod and give him a smile that i hope is reassuring"well if you need someone to talk to I'm always open plus I have this lovely little garden in my house we can talk in" spinel looks at the floor making it so I can't see his face. "Garden?"

I nod hesitantly "y/n can I show your something the reason I was crying?" I immediately nod not wanting to see spinel cry. Soon spinel grabs my hand and we run past the mayor.

I nearly fall over when I see this geint Ship putting some pink liquid into the earth making it look dead.  There are rivers of the pink goo around Steven's house.  Spinel pulls me into Steven's house. Of course he knows steven. Well to late to run off.  Spinel gets in the warp pad and soon we are surrounded by a bright light "whoa." I don't notice spinel look my way as I look around amazed.

Steven never let me near the gems or his house so being in here is singing i didn't expect to ever happen. But all to soon me and spinel are standing in the middle of a huge dead Garden "spinel what is this place?"

Spinel let's go off my hands and walks aahead "it was our garden, mine and Pinks, a place made just for us so we can play all day. He was so happy..... well I thought he was" I gently grab spinels hand. Spinel grips it tight as he begins to sing about how pink left him her for years after he used all his attention on pink. But pink didn't care. 

(Song :drift away")

"Here in the garden
Let's play a game
I'll show you how it's done
Here in the garden
Stand very still
This'll be so much fun

And then she smiled
That's what I'm after
A smile in her eyes
The sound of her laughter

Happy to listen
Happy to play
Happily watching her drift away

Happily waiting
All on my own
Under the endless sky
Counting the seconds
Standing alone
As thousands of years go by

Happily wondering
Night after night
Is this how it works?
Am I doing it right?

Happy to listen
Happy to stay
Happily watching her drift away

You keep on turning pages for people who don't care
People who don't care about you
And still, it takes you ages to see that no one's there
See that no one's there
See that no one's there
Everyone's gone on without you

Finally something
Finally news
About how the story ends
She doesn't exist now
Survived by her son
And all of her brand new friends

Isn't that lovely?
Isn't that cool?
And isn't that cruel?
And aren't I a fool to have

Happily listen
Happy to stay
Happily watching her drift
Drift away"

I watch as spinel changes and turns into an angrier and sadder version of himself.  He sits on the floor. I'm not sure was to say but I do need to say something. So I walk over andsit next to him"spinel.... I'm not a singer but I can tall pretty well. Spinel listen I corks never imagine what you went through" I place my hands on n his shoulder as he looks at me and I look at him"but I know what is like to care for someone who doesn't care for you..... spinel just because pink left doesn't mean you can't make new friends or start over..... if your want you can come stay with me..." I pull spinel up and stay to walk to the warp as he smiles.

I don't hear him as he sings "today right here I already feel found...." not long he's standing next to me waking us back. When we get back we rush outside and see steven and the gems looks around.  I turn to spinel"spinel we need to go" spinel looks at me and then the big ship "y/n hide i have something to do first" I nod and give spinel a hug before i run off.   I missed spinels face turn a darker pink.  Almost red.

I run away from the black ground and make it to the beach.  A few minutes later a heart a loud trumpet sound and the huge ship stopped pumping the pink stuff into the earth

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