Magnus hesitated momentarily. I didn't notice, "You noticed actually. You were young and one day you accidentally saw past Jocelyn's glamours and told your mom who told me. I let her know about the nephilims" somehow, I knew there was a lie in there but I wasn't certain where. "Jocelyn noticed Clary had the Sight but Clary was young, she could say it was her imagination but you came along and befriended her. A downworlder who could make that 'imagination' shift to something real. Clary would have not believe all she saw was part of her imagination. Your mom didn't want to separate the two of you because you were good friends, even I could see that" a small smile grew on my lips. I also thought that, that the two of us were great friends. "So, she mentioned me to Jocelyn. She got the idea of wiping her memory"

I bit my lip guiltily, looking down "So, technically it's all my fault that Clary doesn't have her memories"

Magnus dragged his chair closer, lifting my chin with his finger, staring at me seriously "No. It's not your fault. It would never be your fault, you hear me, sunshine? You were just being Clay's friend, that's all"

I nodded slightly, still a bit unconvinced but didn't say it out loud. Knowing Magnus he'd continue cheering me up to push away the guilt. "And the demon is dead now, so no memories"

Magnus pursed his lips, "She said she went to the Silent Brothers and they recovered some of them. I'm certain that because of that, with time Clary would retrieve them on her own"

I hoped so. "Well, at least we tried. And we were lucky they were there too"

Magnus sipped his drink, a far away look on his eyes. There was a glimmer on his eyes that made me smile knowingly, "We were weren't we?"

I summoned my phone, sending Clary a text. We had exchanged numbers before she left. Now that she finally knew about her true self and the shadow world, she thought it'd be nice to reconnect again and I agreed.

"I heard we have a common hero" I said innocently, glancing at the confusion that showed in Clay's text but complying on my request. My smile grew.

"Ooh" Magnus drawled, eyes slightly sparkling "Alexander Lightwood"

"Couldn't you have been more obvious?" I snickered. "Poor thing was confused by what you call flirting"

Magnus waved a hand, "Darling, I was hinting my interest to see if something clicked"

"And everyone noticed but him" I laughed. "Come on, I've seen you flirt much better other times and fish something in less than five"

"He seems..." Magnus trailed, lips twitching slightly. I softened slightly, blinking in surprise. "Different"

It was rare the times I noticed Magnus crushing on people. Well, it was totally rare. I had never seen it happening before. He was the target of crushes. Something about Alec got his attention, his genuine attention if the way he spoke about the Shadowhunter meant something. And, with the demon we kinda confirmed he swings that way too, so there was no problem if Magnus wanted to pursue something with him.

Besides, it'd be a nice change from the little flings Magnus had while I was growing up, the casual and not passionate relationships. That I didn't feel like it, that my heart wasn't set for romance didn't mean I couldn't notice the love in those people's eyes and the heartbreak whenever Magnus let them down gently because Magnus wasn't an asshole. He let them know he wasn't someone to be serious in a relationship. That they fell hard for him was different.

But Alec, he didn't melt at the first sight of Magnus. He was focused on helping someone he didn't seem to like. He was a family guy as I noticed the way he acted with his sister, Isabelle. Alec was different from the past conquers, or so I hoped because I never liked it when Magnus was hurt. He didn't show it, having a reputation to uphold and that but I was close to him, I lived with him. I knew him better than most people, even though sometimes he was hard to read and I saw in the little things that when he ended a relationship, he was hurt.

I hoped Alec wasn't going to hurt him.

It'll make me guilty and sad for what what I was about to do.

"So, what are you waiting for?" I asked amused. "You're Magnus freaking Bane, the High Warlock of my damn city. You can do anytime you propose yourself to and getting to know a little nephilim won't be the thing you can't do"

Magnus seemed amused at my words, "So, you approve"

"I approve" I nodded. "And it totally has nothing to do with him saving my life"

Magnus smirked, knowingly "But brownie points. He saved the most important thing in my life"

My smile brightened. Ooh, don't I love Magnus?

I flashed him my phone, my contact list. "So, call Mr. Tall, dark and handsome"

Magnus snatched my phone, staring at Alec's number I asked Clary for intently. "Cupcake"

"Like I say, I approve" I said firmly but softly. "Now call him and work your Bane magic on this one"

Magnus chuckled, albeit a bit nervous. Aww, this was adorable!!

Magnus pulled his phone, immediately saving Alec's number on it, returning my phone as he dialed.

"Put it on speakers" I demanded, unusually childish and eager, rocking on my heels, grinning.

Magnus chuckled, rolling his eyes but doing as told.

The phone rang two times before Alec answered with a "Hello? Who is this?"

"Alexander. Hi" Magnus greeted. I held back a little chuckle, staring at Magnus expectantly "It’s Magnus. We met the other day. You know, with the demon

Alec sounded a bit distracted as he answered, "Uh, yeah… Yeah, hey, what’s up?"

I gestured at Magnus, moving my arms very exotically mimicking his style, a pointed look directed at him.

"I was just thinking it was really nice getting to know you" Magnus said coolly, flashing me an amused smirk. I dropped my arms, silently clapping, nodding my head in approval. "You seem… sympathetic. Would you like to go out for a drink some time?"

There was a moment of silence where we thought Alec was going to refuse. We held a breath in anticipation "That sounds fun, um… When?"

I cheered silently, throwing a fist up. Operation, Magnec... Malec? Is on a roll!!

"How about right now?" Magnus suggested.

Oh, there's the charm I was talking about.

But, Alec was proving to be a good challenge, huh? "Um... You know, now’s not really a good time for me. Another time? Gotta go"

Alec hung up.

We stared down at the phone in silence for a few seconds. My shoulders dropping in disappointment.

Magnus didn't seem to be disappointed though, a determination growing within him as he smirked slyly, "Playing hard to get" He glanced up at me, winking "I love a challenge"

My smile returned.

Oh, this is going to be amazing.

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