Chapter Three: Differences

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-Tubbo's Point of View-

I woke up with the sunlight flooding through my windows. I looked to the other children in the room. They were all still sleeping. I yawned as I crept out of bed and made my way to the downstairs kitchen. I heard movement in the kitchen as I approached it. Niki, the owner and caretaker of the orphanage, was collecting ingredients. "Making breakfast?" I asked her sleepily. She flinched quickly before giving a sigh of relief.

"Yeah I am," she said, "you scared the heck out of me." She muttered after. I rubbed the back of my neck with a nervous laugh.

"Sorry." She just gave me a sympathetic look before ruffling my hair. She has mostly dark brown hair with blonde in the front. Her amber eyes always have a sparkle in them. And to top it all off, she has elf-like ears. She is actually an elf. But it never really comes up because she doesn't know much about her powers, past, or parents.

"Want help?" I asked, watching her struggle to grab the large bag of flour from the pantry.

"That would be nice." She admitted. I grabbed the sack from her and moved it to the large kitchen island.

"What are you makin' this morning?" I questioned, watching her grab a carton of milk from the fridge.

"Pancakes!" She declared happily. I smiled too. Niki's pancakes are always the best.

-Tommy's Point of View-

"What's for breakfast?" I asked the nearest butler as I ruffled my hair and pulled out a chair so I could sit down. He put one of those silver dish things with the cover in front of me as I slid into one of the wooden chairs.

"Eggs, bacon," he lifted the shining lid, "and whole wheat toast." He walked away before I could say anything else. I sighed and looked down the very, very long table. The long way, where I sat, had at least twenty seats while the short way only had one seat. Kings seat or something. I picked up one of the many forks, glaring at it for a moment and mumbled, "looks right."

"That's a salad fork Tommy." I heard Techno's voice call. I looked up and saw a disappointed look in his eyes. I glared at him and kept using the "sAlaD fOrK" to eat my eggs. Techno just huffed and took his seat, being served by one of the other butlers. He muttered a 'thank you' before quietly eating. He sat pretty far away from me. Basically on the other side of the table.

All was quiet and slightly awkward as the two of us ate.

-Tubbo's Point of View-

All of the other children had woken up by the time Niki and I were done cooking. They were chatting loudly as they took seats at the dining room table. I balanced two large plates in my hands and made my way to the large table. "Breakfast!" I called over their chatter. They all started talking excitedly as I placed the stacks of pancakes down. Niki passed a few of the kids stacks of plates, telling them to take one and pass the rest. It was like this every morning. I placed the syrup and fruit on the table, watching the younger kids scramble for them. I walked back to the kitchen to see Niki with a cup of coffee in her hands. "Hungry?" I asked her, offering one of the white plates.

"Definitely, especially after all that cooking." She said with an exasperated tone. I smiled as she took the plate and grabbed some pancakes from the pan. "Thank you Tubbo." She said as she took a bite of the pancakes.

"It's nothing." I told her, taking some pancakes for myself. She ruffled my hair again.

"You're a good kid Tubbo." She told me fondly. I smiled sheepishly. I looked back to the table, watching all of the kids talk and just have fun. I wouldn't want my life any other way.

SBI Royalty AU (NO SECOND BOOK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora