Chapter Eight: His Fate

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Blood, Bones, and Mentions Death! Stay safe loves!

-Tommy's Point of View-

I sat at my windowsill as I heard a knock on my door. "Uh, come in?" I yelled. Techno entered my room with a dark expression.

"We need to talk." He said, sitting opposite of me. I nodded. He was acting strange again.

"What's up big man?" I asked, my voice slightly wavering.

"You've been sneaking out," he told me plainly, like he knew, I felt my face pale, "and we know about the rebel." He said in his monotone voice.

"W-what rebel?" I questioned, my heart sinking as I shuffled uncomfortably. Techno rolled his eyes.

"Tubbo. He was a rebel. He was going to assassinate you Tommy." I flinched at his harsh wording. Wait, assassinate me?

"Why would he assassinate me?" I asked, slightly angry. Techno glared back at me.

"He had the lyrics to the Song of Freedom in his possession. He was obviously a rebel Tommy." He told me coldy. I instantly jumped to my friend's defence.

"What?! No! Tubbo wouldn't even hurt a fly!" Techno looked at me with a cold expression.

"You don't always know the people you talk to Tommy." My face started burning. Tubbo would never hurt me or let me get hurt! He's a really good guy. Right?

"Well what are you gonna do?!" I asked angrily. Techno smiled sadistically, standing up.

"We're going to make sure you no longer go down there," he paused, watching my expression, "he's going to be publicly executed tomorrow morning." He said, looking directly into my eyes. I froze. Then I jumped up, getting in his face.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" I yelled, jabbing his chest. Techno pushed my slightly back.

"Dad agreed to it. We can't let rebels be making fools out of this family." He turned before I could say anything else. He paused at the door. "You're grounded in your room until after his execution."

"NO!" I screamed trying to get to him. He slammed the door before I could reach him. I heard a click from the other side. I yanked at the door. It didn't budge. No, no, no, no. Tears streamed down my face as the reality sunk in. He was going to die. Because of me. I covered my mouth, choking back sobs. I looked out my window, only to see guards that were completely focused on my window. I quickly shut the curtains. Darkness took over my room.

"I'm sorry." I whispered out as I sunk to the floor.

-Tubbo's Point of View-

I sat alone in the cell, shivering as I realized how cold it is in here. My eyes had finally adjusted fully to the darkness. Which sounds good... but... I can see everything. Including the blood and bones of past prisoners. I could see all sorts of tools lining the far wall. And they were not tools for building. I whimpered, wondering when Eret was going to be back. I then heard heavy footsteps coming towards me. I scurried back to my corner. It was Technoblade. He crouched down to my level with a creepy smile.

"Your fate has been decided," he told me, pausing as if expecting me to say something, "you will be executed tomorrow morning." He said darkly. My breath hitched.

"B-but how was I supposed to know he was Prince Thomas?!" I sputtered back. Technoblade glared menacingly at me.

"Because you're a filthy traitor," he hissed, "we found the lyrics for the Song of Freedom in your possession. So don't play dumb with me." He growled. I started shaking in fear. I'm dead. Literally. And there's no getting out of this. I'm going to die tomorrow. I heard the prince leaving as I began to cry. 

SBI Royalty AU (NO SECOND BOOK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora