"Ren and I bumped into each other." I sighed, putting down the plate.

"Y/n! You're here!" Zuku yelled from behind. I turned and smiled at him as he ran toward us. "Kacchan came back without you and the class got worried."

"Aw, that's sweet." I grabbed him, forcing him into a hug. Katsuki stood, pouty lip and everything. "Don't worry I'm not falling behind."

"Time's up, Deku. Hands off." Zuku was pushed off as I was pushed into Katsuki's chest.

"You and I will hang out after this test shenanigans are over, okay?" I said while ignoring the irritation radiating out of boom boy behind me.

"Sure! See you later!"

I turned and sighed. "I mean you were nicer to him."

"Yeah, whatever." He rolled his eyes. "Now what happened with you the walking dead bitch?"

I stood paused for a moment to register the new nickname for Ren into my mind. "We just talked. I wanted a real fight and it ended with him crying and us just saying goodbye."

"Ha. Pussy." Katsuki laughed at the thought of Ren crying.

"You know you've cried in front of me also right?"

His flattened almost immediately. "Shut up." He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into him. "Bout time the guy knows what's mine."

"I like when you become a jealous pancake."

"Did you just call me a fucking pancake?"

"You have the same hair color as a pancake. But you're right you need something different. Your mommy milkers are definitely not as flat as a pancake." I turned around squeezing his man-tit with earned a slap to my hand.

I felt good.

There was a relief in me. More weight lifted off my shoulders to where I felt confident to continue on with the exam and also with my relationship with Katsuki.

Something about us was just more than I could ask for but in the best possible way.

"What'd think the next round will be?" I asked as I reached over for a cookie from the table.

His arm was around my shoulders still, making me feel the slight shrug he gestured. "I dunno. Probably another stupid test of our strength since their focus is having villains off the streets."

"I was thinking maybe teamwork exercises. For the same reason actually." I shared as I bit into the cookie.

"Like Ima work with anyone." He scoffed with more aggression.

"How about you? You don't wanna work with me?" I asked. My head tilted back hitting his chest. He was upside down in my view.

"You know I do." He said quietly, only loud enough for me to hear. It was unexpected when he tapped my nose with his finger.

But then he stole the other half of the cookie that was in my hand.

"I was gonna eat that." I frowned as I watched him eat it.

"Yeah, you were. Now I am."

"Lucky, I like you. Or else I'd bit your hand off by now." I threatened with little to no aggression with my words.

"I'd like to see you try." He chuckled mockingly without too much intent with his words.

Suddenly there was more noise around. Classmates waving and calling out to someone somewhere yet I hadn't been paying too much attention.


I turned around and let out too much of a reaction. "Oh. Aizawa, what you doing here? I thought teachers had to stay spectating?"

"Yes. I'm glad to see you passed the first half but I need to speak with you." I noticed him to be a bit rushed, maybe the small amount of time left until the second part?

"What is it?"

"Let's move to the side." He suggested, gesturing to the small corner where no one stood.

I shrugged. "Whatever you need to say can be told here. Katsuki won't say anything, probably."

Aizawa took a deep breath. Shoved his hands deeper into his pockets, and as he spoke his eyes never left everywhere in the room but me.

My before uplifted expression dropped.

My heart stopping quickly and the overwhelming sense of deeper emotion bubbling at the pit of my stomach. My hand came to cover my mouth soon after.

Everything seemed to play slower.

The way Katsuki's face froze with more shock as he looked down to check on me. His arm grabbed onto mine to guide me back toward him but seemed to struggle when my feet were glued to the ground.

I felt myself lose a sense of reality.

Watched Aizawa's lips move yet nothing seemed to come out. Really, I heard nothing from no one around but only saw reactions.

It was only when the tears hit my palm that I had realized I was not as numb as I felt.

My head shook on its own, a side-to-side motion that seemed to be more hysterical than rational. The repeated words of "you're lying" coming from me.

Katsuki pulled me into his chest, ignoring the stares he was receiving because his girl was in more pain than he'd ever seen.

Nothing more than sorrow stares had been given to me from those who overheard what my teacher had said.

But not even I could understand. More like I didn't want to.

My brain repeated the sentences, incoherent to comprehend them into real words like suddenly it's become a foreign language.

My hands grasp for that sense of reality but when I caught nothing of air, I felt a break in my soul crack even deeper.

Aizawa's words only repeated again in my head when he tried to lead me a reassuring hold on my shoulder as he guided me out the building where I wouldn't return.

"We got word from the authorities. Your brother was attacked brutally. He's in the hospital but his condition is critical. They're not sure if he's going to make it."

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