Chapter 6

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The room grew silent after I smacked the boy.
Kenma pulled my shoulder back as I waited for the boy to respond.
" You little b- " He said as he holds his face with one hand.
All of a sudden he was running towards me but Kenma grabbed his arm.
" Touch her I dare you. " Kenma said seriously
As the two boys, we glaring each other down Oikawa and the others came to see what was happening.
As I stood there hiding behind Kenma. Akashi, Suga, Kuroo, and Bokuto moved in front of me.
" Ok cat boy...what are you gonna do hit me too, " the blonde boy said with a grin.
" Atsumu! Stop let it go " a boy who looked like him said.
" No OSUMU no one touches me especially their kind. They disgust me with their filthy animals. " Atsumu said
Once he finishes speaking Astumu threw a punch at Kenma. Which causes Kenma to let go of his wrist.
" Now you have done it. " Kuroo said as he was ready to hit Atsumu.
" AH, KENMA ARE YOU OK? " I yelled at him as I saw his check bleeding.
" Yea I'm fine," he said in a monotone voice.
" BS HE JUST HIT YOU, " Kuroo said
Kuroo went up to Atsumu out of frustration
" Touch any of us... you and your little friends will be sorry " Kuroo said as he holds in his anger.
" Shut up! You have no right of talking to me that way. " Atsumu said angrily.
" ATSUMU STOP IT! " Oikawa punched him.
" Damn WHO SIDE ARE YOU ON? " he yelled
My heart dropped.. " that thing "
I suddenly was angry.
" Shittykawa GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! " Iwa said
" Oh this just keeps getting better and better.. " Tendou said with a smirk.
" Why are you laughing. " I said as the attention was now on me.
" You stated this Bs. I saw you whispering something to Atsumu. " I say angrily
" Oh Who me? " Tendou said playing dumb.
" I don't know what's your problem but cut it out. Actually all of you, this is why we can't get along with one another. " I say yelling at all the monsters.
" Bs it's you GUYS, all of you think you're so much better than us. " Atsumu yelled
" I'm not wasting my breath on talking to any of you. I hope your happy about ruining every thing. " I said as I stormed out of the ballroom.
" Y/N! " Suga said as he chased me down.
" Screw this I'm out of here! Come on Guys!" Kuroo said
Kenma, Akashi, and Bokuto followed him out the door.

As I walked out tears began to fall. Why I'm I crying? Was I crying the fact Oikawa called me " that thing ".

I was lost in thought until Suga taps on my shoulder.
" What's wrong? Why are you crying?! " he said worriedly.
At first, I was hesitant to tell him it was because Oikawa called me " that thing", but I decided to tell him.
" Well remember when Oikawa called me " that thing ". I said
" Then WHY are YOU CRYING? If you " Don't like him " you shouldn't be crying. " he said as he raises an eyebrow.
" I mean, I do like him but.. IDK IM CONFUSED SUGA! " I say frustrated.
Suga sighed.
Then all of sudden two tall figures were behind me and Suga.
" Um y/n.. " the familiar voice said.
" What do you want Oikawa... " I say irritated.
" Um, can we have a moment Alone? " Oikawa asked both Suga and Iwa.

" Uh, sure we will just wait outside... " Suga said as Iwa followed him.
" I'm sorry I didn't want to call you " that thing ". I just had pretended along with it." Oikawa said sadly.
I turned around to look at him, I was still angry.
" You know how much that hurt! " I say as tears ran down my face.
I stood there with tears until Oikawa comes up to me kneels down on one knee as he reaches for my right hand.
He stood there in the marriage proposal style.
" I promise you till the day I die I will never call you that again. "
I looked into his eyes.. he seemed serious about it.
" Ok good. " I say as my nose gets stuffed up from all the crying.

This is Tendous pov earlier when y/n stormed out.

As everyone left the ballroom, I was stuck here with the others.
" Good job Atsumu! " Osumu rolled his eyes at him.
" You guys are a bunch of idiots. " Oikawa said mad.
" Why do you sound so defensive? " Atsumu said
" Yea why do you... " I grinned at Oikawa
" Isn't this supposed to be a peace treaty sort of party?! "
" Oikawa do you really think we will ever get along? " Osamu said laughing.
" If you want my actually answer I do. Now excuse me.. "
Oikawa stormed out of the ballroom.
" Let me talk to some sense into him," Iwa said bowing down as he chased after Oikawa.
" Hmmm, Atsumu you want to see where Oikawa is going? " I looked at him.
" No, I don't care about that jerk. I'm leaving now come on Osamu. " Atsumu also left with Osamu.
Everyone was leaving but I didn't.. I had a weird feeling about Oikawa.
I leave the room but followed Oikawa's scent. Suddenly I hear talking, so I hid behind a statue.
I peeked a little to only see Oikawa hugging the girl who slapped Atsumu.
I knew he was hiding something but I didn't think it was going to be this big!!
After seeing this sight I leave as quickly and silent. To tell the others of what sight I saw.

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