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Harry spent the next two nights in the hospital, which meant that Louis did as well, stuck to his side like glue. He wondered if it was healthy to have panic attacks when your boyfriend gets up and goes to the bathroom every couple of hours, if it was normal to not be able to focus on a single other thing for every second they leave your sight. He decided not to think too much of it.

The time was passed by watching lots of television, and playing lots of scrabble. Harry's numbness eventually subsided, feeling returning over time as Ashe predicted. Louis was delighted that Harry was back to his usual reactions when he grazed his thigh, so he did it frequently and without warning. Harry sent him dirty looks every time the boy caused him to jerk and shudder, but Louis didn't stop the caresses because he knew Harry loved every second of it, and because he was not ever going to take his baby for granted.

Louis was too glad Harry was okay to even care that the hotel suite they were meant to be in was going to waste. Especially since the ski resort was reimbursing them for the cost of the room, covering their entire hospital bill, and offering them free skiing for life (an offer which Louis knew they would not be taking them up on anytime soon). Louis knew it was a bribe not to sue them and have the place shut down, which they had no plans of doing anyway. Well, at least they didn't anymore, after Harry put a damper on Louis' angry plans to 'take every penny they've ever earned because they don't deserve it and get their sorry asses put behind bars before I march down there and teach them a lesson myself.'

"Alright Harry, well looks like you're all set to leave tomorrow morning! As long as everything stays good, you should be just fine, possibly sore and numb. And cold. And don't forget to ice that foot! Try and stay off it as best you can, we can get you crutches if you like." Harry shook his head and told Ashe that wouldn't be necessary.

He and Louis were mid-scrabble match, and the doctor was doing her nightly check in before going home. They'd see her early in the morning, so she could clear Harry to leave. She said goodnight and left them alone, Louis perched on the foot of the bed as he deliberated over his next turn, and Harry across from him leaned against the propped up pillow, fingers fiddling absently with a loose string on the bottom hem of Louis' sweatpants.

"Aha! I win!"

"Louis," Harry frowned down at the game board, "dickface is not a real word. You most certainly have not won." Louis laughed cockily before making the decision to pounce on Harry, who widened his eyes in shock, spilling the letter pieces all over the comforter and ruining their game, which in his book was finished anyway. And as far as Louis was concerned, his book was the only book.

"It most certainly is, dickface! Now shut the hell up and give me my prize for winning." Louis' lips collided with Harry's, which certainly did the job of shutting him up. It took him a second to register what was happening, but soon he was kissing Louis back as hard as he felt necessary, which was decently rough.

Harry tangled both of his hands in Louis' hair, pulling his body closer, so he was now fully on top of him. Louis permitted it, melting into Harry's touch and appreciating the way his body had regained its warmth. He also didn't protest when Harry slipped his tongue into his mouth, nor when he snuck his hand down his back to grip the back of his upper thigh. Louis' fingers wrapped in Harry's jumper, and he giggled against his open mouth when he realized the sound of Harry's heart rate monitor was beeping through the roof.

They kissed for another minute, soaking up every second they could spend with their lips locked. Louis loved kissing Harry; he could do it all day every day for the rest of his life, and never ever get sick of it. He planned to do just that.

However, Louis had to halt their makeout when Harry's hands wandered just a little too much, creeping up teasingly to his bum and hips. Louis violently pinched one of Harry's nipples, pulling away and laughing when Harry flinched and grimaced. He giggled a little more when he realized what was happening with Harry's expression, but lowered his voice when he spoke again.

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