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"God Louis, you are sooooo lame!" Niall's hearty, drunken laugh echoed through the crowded room as he doubled himself over the bar, his stool lifting slightly off the ground and his feet kicking in a juvenile manner. The sound was almost euphoric, like children playing or puppies licking your face. Louis smiled at his best friend, feeling such admiration for him, even in his compromised state. Niall's adorable face and laughable Irish accent never fail to lift his spirits, no matter how dark his situation.

"I know lad, but it's half one and I've got footie tomorrow. Next weekend we'll have a proper celebration, yea?" Louis replied, the smile never leaving his face. Niall looked up from where he was now practically laying on the bar. He grunted, but smiled and sat up fully in order to reach his arms out for Louis. Louis pulled him into a hug and promised to call him first thing the next morning (which would be more like afternoon since Niall would be dead to the world until at least three).

He knew Niall would make it home safely since a few of their other buddies were there too. Ed and Roman were good lads and he trusted them to take care of his little teddy bear. He wasn't too fond of the rest of the crew, since Taylor looks at you like she knows all your secrets, and Eleanor and Nick were frankly too rude for his liking, If it was up to him he'd kick all their sorry asses out of the gang, but Niall says he's got to work on being more friendly. Whatever.

"Bye Nialler, don't do anything I wouldn't do!" He winked over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of Niall rolling his eyes before he exited the bar. Aware enough for sarcasm, he supposes. He makes his way down the dimly lit street, glancing down at his phone. He wasn't surprised to see no notifications, considering most of his small friend group were passed out on the floor somewhere, and the reception was always terrible in this part of town. Damn iphones.

Some might find it a bit unsettling to walk these streets alone at this hour, but not much scared Louis, and he's walked the way to his go-to pub countless times before. Besides, he didn't even drink tonight (shocking, I know) since he had his last football practice in the morning. Since he was in his final year of uni, he would never have to worry about sacrificing wild nights for early mornings ever again. While the idea was comforting, it also frightened him a little. School was all he's known for so long, and even though he had other passions like football and music, he couldn't help but wonder what his life would be like once he's officially graduated and on his own. How much things will really change.

He's mulling over these concerns and trying to push away images of Niall trying to seduce Taylor again (he gets that way when he's drunk, happy go-luckier than usual and can't take a hint for his life. It's okay though, since Taylor usually laughs it off and comments on how utterly adorable he is. Louis always suspected she had a thing going on with Ed, but the right time to ask never seemed to come up.) when he spots the first glimpse of him. A shadow, tall and lean yet not scrawny. Smooth, yet somehow still a bit awkward?

Louis still didn't worry about it; there wasn't really a reason to. Sure, maybe his size made him an easy target for serial killers (although he'd NEVER admit to his small stature being of hindrance) but he was strong and scrappy. People ran when Louis got angry, and Louis' sassy attitude made him come off as confident and collected in confrontation. Once he made a biker twice his size cry when he had knocked into Niall just a tad too forcefully at the club. Louis would do anything for his friends, even if that meant threatening to knock out and shave the mullet of a fifty year old. Let's just say Louis is a lot of fun at parties, even when he's drunk, and especially when he's high. (which is not very often because he has some class, but he does indulge himself from time to time.)

So Louis doesn't even bat an eye when the figure's gaze seems to linger on him for an extra second, although his interest was thoroughly peaked. Usually he didn't see many people out at this hour, especially not ones he didn't know well. People were really neighborly around here, something Louis never really experienced much of growing up. The man he saw now seemed to have a nice enough figure, and walked purposefully yet somehow really, really slowly. Alas, who wouldn't want to look at him? He knew for a fact the red jeans he just bought complimented him incredibly well, and he certainly wasn't blind to the hoards of onlookers he had attracted in the past couple hours.

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